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Heart Without A Home
Chapter Thirty Four

(August 22, Hartford, CT)

The stage had fallen apart. The tour had practically been shut down. Justin was amazed that management had gotten the show back up and running so quickly. He had been sure the tour had been nixed. It could have been...if the tour didn't have the funding that it did. Yes, they had missed a week of shows, but it all worked out for the best. Justin had taken Dru away from the scene for the week. No was just the two of them. He had to do it. It was the last chance he had to really bond with her before she left. It had been a good week. Aside from a video shoot that he had penciled in, he had basically been free the entire time. They had stayed in New York. They had gone to the Bronx Zoo...Dru had never been to a zoo before. She loved it. That had been the major outing of the vacation. The rest of the time had been spent shopping...eating out...or simply staying at the hotel and watching movies. Those moments were precious to him. He would never have the chance to do those things with her again. No more ice cream binges. No more reading together at were both about to move on with their lives.

It was too soon. Justin didn't think he was going to be able to say goodbye.

The dates missed had been rescheduled, and now the tour was on it's last week. Tonight they had performed in Connecticut...tomorrow they were off...they were throwing Dru a party. Then they would head off to Milwaukee and St. Paul for the final two shows of the tour. Aside from the great sadness he felt about Dru leaving...he was happy. The tour had been great. He had discovered he could be more succesful solo than he could be with a group. He treasured his art, and was greatful that he was able to show the world what he could do. Trace had suggested that he do a small club tour after his UK dates in the winter.

He was considering it. It would be a good experience. He liked being able to get intimate with his audience. Sure, playing huge arenas was definitely a huge thrill...but it was hard to see the fans with all the lights and the huge set. He wanted an intimate setting. A place he could sit, sing, and play the piano. Yes, he would do it.

He knocked on the door. Dru hadn't watched the show tonight, which meant she was probably studying. He smiled. She hated being interrupted when she was studying. He couldn't help himself. He just wanted to be with her...just for a little while more.

The door opened. She smiled. "Hey. How was the show?"

"Great." He made his way into the room. He glanced around. "It's nice in here huh?"

She shot him a confused glance. "It's a hotel room."

He laughed. "I know." Her books were laid out on the floor. "Were you studying D? I'm sorry."

She shrugged. "Don't be. I can study later."


"Christina wants me to dance with her." Dru said after a moment.

He looked at her and smiled. "Really?"

She was beeming. "Yeah...she told me today."

He hugged her. "That's great Dru. I'm so happy for ya." His eyes locked on hers. They were still amazing.

Some people search their whole lives

Never find what I found in your eyes

Glad I got to get the chance to

Have you in my life

I won't be sad when I look back

"Are you coming to the party tomorrow?" She asked. "Trace said he got extra ice cream. He said he's going to make me a giant sundae."

"Of course I'm goin'." He whispered. "Wouldn't miss it." He felt his face begin to burn. It was taking all of his strength to keep from crying. Dru...she would be gone soon. The thought wouldn't leave his mind for an instant. Dru...the girl he had picked up from the streets...made into a person...fallen in love with.

She was leaving.

She leaned her head on his shoulder. "Can we dance Justin. Once last time."

He didn't mind letting his tears seep out now, because she was crying too. "Yes," he croaked. They didn't need music. At this moment, all they needed was each other.

I was loved

I was touched

And I learned what love is, and I learned what love is

I was blessed

So blessed

'Cause i learned what love is, I learned what love is

From loving you

*Song credit: Mandy Moore, From Loving You
There was a big cake. It said, Good Luck Dru! She could read it. She wasn't in the dark anymore. She was practically a normal, civilized person...with a few flaws of course. There were alot of people at the party. Dru didn't know most of them. Christina had pointed out some of her management and crew...the rest worked for Justin.


She turned around. Marissa. "Hi." She smiled.

"Gonna miss you." She handed Dru a smal gift bag. "Gotcha something for those math problems of yours."

She peered inside the bag and lifted the contraption out of it. It was a calculator. The fancy kind that her teacher sometimes let her use. She smiled. It was thoughtful. "You didn't have to."

"I wanted to." She wrapped her up in a hug. "Thanks for being you."

Marissa had tears in her eyes. Dru was surprised. Marissa never cried. "Thanks....for giving me a chance."

"Come on now girls. Don't ruin your mascara before we cut the damn cake." Trace said, coming up from behind Marissa. "Oh yeah..." he pulled a box out from behind him. "I gotcha somethin Dru."

She groaned. "I told you guys not to buy me anything."

"We don't listen. Don't you know that by now?" He thrust the package in her face.

Dru reluctantly tore open the wrapping paper. It was some sort of video game. Yes, it was like the one Trace always used when he was bored. The Game Boy...yes that was it.
"Somethin for the plane." Trace told her. "You you won't be bored."

He was sweet. In the beginning she had never imagined that he could be so sweet. "Thank you Trace." She smiled.

"Just make sure you don't get it stolen out of your pocket." He told her. "I've been pickpocketed before. It's not fun."

"Don't be a jerk Trace." Marissa chimed in.

Dru giggled. Yes, she was going to miss them. "Sorry about your wallet Trace. I was different then."

"It's fine D." He patted her on the shoulder. "I'd take you over a wallet any day."

She smiled. It was a great party.

Danny...Christina...Trace...Marissa...they were all there...

But where was Justin? She looked at Trace. "Is he coming?"

Trace's smile faded. "I...I dunno D. I tried to get him to come...but I don't think he's in the mood."

"He said he'd be here." She whispered. "He said he wouldn't miss it."

"He's a mess Dru." Marissa told her. "You wouldn't want to see him...believe me."

He was a mess because of her. Dru sighed. For a split second she thought about cancelling everything. No...this was her life. Not Justins...not anybody else's. It was hers. "I understand."

The party dragged on for a few more hours. Lynn had showed up. She had given her a bracelet. It was beautiful. It was so beautiful, that Dru was afraid to put it on. Lynn had laughed at her. Trace made her the giant sundae she had been anticipating. He had helped her eat it too. Sadly, the party, like everything else had ended all too soon. Dru found herself saying her final goodbyes to members of Justin's team before she knew it. This was truly the end.

And she hadn't even got to spend a moment of it with Justin.

Was he selfish? No...he was just upset. Too upset to face her goodbye party. He really loved her. It was true. She knew it was true...because he was letting go of her. He didn't have to. He could have told her to stay...and she would have...she knew she would have. She was crying again. Why did saying goodbye have to be so hard? She couldn't win. She wished she could bring Justin with her...have the best of both worlds. But life didn't work that way. Justin had his own life...his own career. He couldn't go with her. She had known that from the beginning.

She looked around the room. She was alone. How long had she been standing there? She didn't know. With a sigh she made her way over to the table where the gifts she had been given sat. She had to find room for them in her luggage...

"I guess I missed the cake."

Dru gasped. Justin. She whirled around. "You came."

"Sorry I'm so late."

She stared at him. He looked like he had been crying for hours. She felt awful. "Don't be sorry."

"I-I uh..." He pulled a single flower out from behind his back. "I didn't know what to get you."

It was a rose. "You didn't have to get me anything." She whispered.

He approached her. "I wanted to." He handed her the flower.

She took it. "Thanks."

"What else did you get?"

She got lost in his eyes for a moment. "Oh...I...just some stuff. Trace gave me a game...Mom gave me a bracelet..."


She bit her bottom lip. "Yeah."

He put his arms around her. "This is hard Dru."

"I know." She whimpered. "I don't want to leave you."

"But you hafta."

"Yeah." She clung to him. She never wanted to let go. " one is ever going to replace you. I'll always have a special place for you Justin. Deep inside."

He sucked in a breath. "I love you D."

She let him rock her in his arms. "Love you." She got out.

If you're a heart without a home, a rebel without a cause

If you feel as though you're always stranded on the shore

Like a thief in the night, let me steal your heart away

Baby if for reasons, what you're looking for

I'll be yours...

He tore away from her and wiped his eyes with the back of his sleeve. "I'll see you." He said.

"See you."

He rushed away. Dru was left to her thoughts again. It was an emotional time. A sad time. But for some reason...Dru knew...

It was all going to turn out just fine.

Yes, her heart had finally found a home.

*Song Credit: Nick Carter, Heart Without A Home
Dru watched as the last of her luggage was loaded into the back of the van. She looked back at the hotel. She was sad to leave, but excited to be starting her life...finally, after all the hardships she had faced. She had said one last goodbye to Justin early that morning. He hadn't seemed as upset as he had been. He had been ready to say goodbye. He had been happy. Happy for her. Happy that she had become the strong person she was.

"Justin wanted you to have this," Trace told her, handing her a plain white envelope.

She took the envelope from him. "What is it?" She asked.

"Paycheck." He told her.

Her eyes widened. She had forgotten that she was getting money. "Paycheck?"

"Yeah girl." Trace chuckled. "You're gonna be livin' large now."

She looked at the envelope and then looked back at him. She didn't know what to say. Justin had already given her so much.

"You sure you got everything?" He asked. "Because I'm gonna raid your hotel room," he chuckled. "Finders keepers."

She laughed. "I got everything."

He hugged her. "Have a good trip. Don't worry...I'll make sure his lazy behind calls you." He pulled away from her and ran back up the steps, into the hotel. He vanished from sight.


She looked toward the van. Danny was smiling, holding his hand out to her. It was time. She started toward her friend, not sure of what was to come, but not afraid to find out.

She didn't look back.

Irresistable Dreams Productions, Copyright 2005-06 by Courtney.
Disclaimer:  I am not affiliated with NSync, Jive, WEG...ect. No stories on the site represent any actual events, and if you think that they's a mere coincidence.  All stories and non celebrity characters are original and are of my own creative thoughts.  All story banners and or videos are original works by myself, Michelle, Meredith, or Kenz and are used with permission. Plagiarism is unlawful, and will not be tolerated by any means...this means you!