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About Me:
My name is Courtney if you didn't already know.  I am twenty one years old, and live in Connecticut.  I have been writing since 2002, but I am best known for my story "Heart Without A Home".  In my spare time, I like to write, sing, go to concerts, shop and chill with my friends.  I work at Bed Bath and Beyond.  Woo Ha.  Some of my favorite artists are Justin Timberlake, The Backstreet Boys, Kelly Clarkson, Kaci Brown, Ashlee Simpson, The Neptunes, Clipse, Christina Aguilera, Jessica Simpson, and Robbie Williams.  I also have a strange obesession with Trace Ayala, lol don't know why, I just do.  Wanna know more?  Email me.
My thoughts on "Heart Without A Home":
This story had an odd beginning.  I was sitting at the computer one night, and I just started typing, there was no pre concocted idea, no outline...I hadn't even dreamed about it.  I just typed the line "Spare some change sir?" and the story seemed to begin writing itself.  It was strange, but I was sort of relieved.  I had been having the worst case of writers block anyone could have imagined.  I'm still amazed at myself.  I had thought this story was just going to be a random rambling kind of thing, something that would get rid of my writers block.  I never expected to get more than two chapters written, but it has turned into my main focus.  I have worked my butt off on perfecting this story, and actually, I think this is one of the few things in my life that I have ever done well.  This story is a blessing, and sometimes when I go back and reread it, I still can't believe its mine.
Why I write:
I guess writing was something I was born being able to do, although I wouldn't realize it until much later on in my life.  My Mother is a writer, and she even had a book published once, so I guess that's where I inherited the knack for it.  I never thought I could ever get into writing, because I had always hated school, and especially hated writing assignments.  It wasn't until I discovered the wonderful world of fan fiction that I actually considered writing a story.  Several attempts were made to start something, and each one failed.  Just as I was about to give up though, a lot of things started happening in my life that were making me depressed.  I was lonely, and at times, wished I were somebody else.  But that idea was crazy, how could I be somebody else?  The answer...I couldn't be...but I could write about other people...and about things I hold dear to my heart, like Justin Timberlake and the Backstreet Boys. I found writing was a great stress reliever.  I didn't have to be me when I sat at the computer.  I could slip into my character's life, and tune out the rest of the world.  Thus, I began to write a very long and drawn out story which I have yet to complete...needless to say I thought it was great the first time I read it over.  It was my first real masterpiece... Now, I look back at the seventy chapters I have written and realize how poorly written and poorly structured it is, lol.  What I'm really trying to say here is that writing has changed me in a lot of ways, and now that I have developed my skill I don't think I'll ever stop.  I love Justin...I love writing, and that is why I do it.  

Thank You:
Although I write the stories, it doesn't mean that I do all the work.  There are many people out there that have contributed in getting my stories read by others, and that have also inspired me to keep going.  I would like to thank Kenzie, Meredith, Michelle, Jess and Soxy, Eberta and Sizz, Ashley, and the countless others that have religiously read my stories and left awesome, encouraging feedback.  You are all the best!!
Instant message me at ialwayzbesingin

Irresistable Dreams Productions, Copyright 2005-06 by Courtney.
Disclaimer:  I am not affiliated with NSync, Jive, WEG...ect. No stories on the site represent any actual events, and if you think that they's a mere coincidence.  All stories and non celebrity characters are original and are of my own creative thoughts.  All story banners and or videos are original works by myself, Michelle, Meredith, or Kenz and are used with permission. Plagiarism is unlawful, and will not be tolerated by any means...this means you!