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Heart Without A Home
Chapter Twenty Eight

"That's not my name."

Dru wiped the tears from her eyes. "Yes it is." She whispered.

"How the hell do you know?"

She understood why he was acting like he was. He didn't know her. He didn't know she was the same girl he had left behind. It had been five years...he was older now, and so was she. "It's Dru." She whispered. "Remember...please try to remember Danny."

He shook his head vigorously. "No."

She rose from the floor. "Danny..." she lifted up her shirt, revealing the scar on her stomach. "Remember."

He flicked a stray tear from his cheek. " can't be you."

"Little baby don't show me your tears, there's always tomorrow..." She sang.

He gasped and backed up against the wall. "I never thought I would see you again." He whispered. "I tried to forget...all that."

She nodded. "I understand."

"Come 'ere." He said, motioning her towards him.

She approached him, and instictively clung to him like a child.

He gave her the once over. "It really is you Dru." He said, his voice still full of shock. "I can't believe it." He kissed her forehead. "I mean...the chances of this happening are..."

"Impossible." She said, gazing into his eyes.

"Oh my god!"

Dru took a step back from him and looked toward the doorway. Christina and a few other people were standing there, their attention focused on an unconscious Wade. The awkwardness of the moment caused her to start laughing. Danny joined in.

"Dru...are you alright?" Christina asked, rushing over to the pair.

She glanced at Danny. "Yeah," she smiled. "Now I am."
Christina kicked Wade. He groaned. "Get up, you piece of sh *t!" She yelled. "This is the last time I let you come to one of my parties." She kicked him again. "Up!" She hollered.

Wade painfully pulled himself to his feet. "Damn...gimme a sec would ya?" He mumbled.

"Chuck!" She yelled. "Can you help me out here?"

Chuck smiled from his position outside the doorway. "Nothing would make me happier."

Dru laughed. It was the fisherman. For the first time she realized just how big he was. She watched with great amusement as Chuck waltzed into the room and dragged Wade out the door, not hesitating to twist his arm behind his back. She could hear him moaning in pain...he was getting his.

"Did anything happen Dru?" Christina asked. "Did he do anything to you?"

She half smiled. "Almost...but then Da...Taylor came."

Christina smiled at her dancer. "Isn't he great?"

"Chris..." he whined.

"Yeah," Dru said, her eyes gleaming. "He is."

"I'm sick of this party." Christina complained. "It's lame."

"This is your house Chris." Danny reminded her.

She playfully slapped him on the arm. "I know that." She smiled. "Dru...aren't you sick of this party?"

"Uh..." She shrugged. "I guess."

"Good...two against one." Christina stuck her tongue out at Danny. "Let's go eat. There's a Jack in the Box a few miles from here."

Danny chuckled. "Girl...all you do is eat that greasy shit. How many times do I have to tell's not good for your figure."

"That may be." She shrugged. "But everyone thinks I'm some kind of anorexic mental case no matter how often I pig out, so I'll eat what I want." She shot Dru an annoyed glance. "The media is horrible girl."

"What's a Jack In The Box?" She inquired.

"Greasy shit." Danny muttered. "Nothing you should get involved with."

Christina rolled her eyes. "Oh lighten up Tay...Christ. The girl has never had it before...we have to go." She took Dru by the hand. "Come on."

"You're coming right?" She said, giving Danny a pleading look. She had only just reunited with him...she didn't want to leave him already.

It was if he could read her mind. "Of course I am." He smiled.

Christina's eyes went wide. "Did I just hear what I think I heard?"

Dru chuckled. "Huh?"

"Is Tay-tay the granola freak actually going to hit up the junk food with me?"

"Just go," Danny smiled, motioning toward the doorway. "Save your harassing comments for later 'tina."

Dru's smile grew as Christina pulled her out the door. What had started out as a horrible evening, was turning into a happy one. She had found Danny...the one person in the sex house who had watched out for her. The person who had taken beatings for her...the person who had made her feel loved, even in the most gruesome of situations.

And she was going to get to spend the entire summer with him. She was going to get to spend the entire summer getting to know him all over again. But Justin...what would he say?

Could she even tell him? She didn't think so.
Justin plodded through the doorway, rented video in one hand, and his fast food in the other. It was well past eleven o'clock now. After he had dropped Marissa off, he had remained alone for the remainder of the evening. Nadia had been his next choice...but strangely enough, she was no where to be found. Dru would entertain him it would be alright. He was sure Nadia would be around tomorrow to ease his stiff johnson.

"Dru." he called out, making his way into the kitchen. She wasn't there. He shrugged...she must have been in the family there either. He listened for a moment... the house was too quiet. He sighed. She hadn't come home yet.

Now he would have to occupy himself.

He watched the movie from start to finish. He didn't like it...but he knew Dru would have, and that was the only reason he had picked it in the first place. He let out a long, miserable yawn. Yes, it had been a waste of a perfectly good evening...and his hormones still hadn't calmed down. He knew it was probably because he had been so certain that he was going to get some from Marissa tonight. He sighed. In the future he would make certain not to get excited about getting laid until it was actually about to happen.

Jerking off wasn't one of his favorite pasttimes.

It was almost one now...and Dru still hadn't come home. He was a little worried. Had Christina let Dru get into trouble? He knew she was capable. If Christina had gotten drunk, she wouldn't have been able to stick by Dru and keep an eye on her. Anything could have happened to her....


He heard soft footsteps shuffling into the house He smiled. It could only be Dru...and she obviously didn't know that he was still up. She was sneaking into the house. He assumed that she didn't want him to know she was just getting in. But why? He silently rose from his spot on the sofa and made his way into the foyer. Dru was climbing the stairs, seemingly trying to place her feet on the spots that wouldn't make noise.

"You're home late." He whispered.

Dru froze.

"Must have been some dinner you went to I guess." He chuckled.

She nodded her head.

The fact that she wasn't saying anything was making him uneasy. "Well...did you have fun?"

Dru shrugged.

"D...speak up would you?" He said, with annoyance.

"I-I had fun," she croaked. "But I'm tired now. Can I just go to bed?"

He saw right through her pathetic attempt to get away from him. She couldn't fool him. "Come on can't slip away from me that easy. You should know that by now. " He nodded. "I know there's somethin' you're not tellin' me."

Her eyes widened. "You do?" She gasped.

He laughed. "You wanna lay in the bed and tell me about it?"

She shook her head vigorously. "No."

"Why not?"

She ran up the stairs.

He let out a tired sigh. "Dru...c'mon...don't be like this!" He called after her. He jogged up the stairs, taking them two at a time. Of course, he had no problem finding her. She was in her room, buried under the blanket. He approached the bed slowly, and crawled into it. "Dru." He said, tugging the covers off of her. "Please don't hide from me." He could tell she was trembling. He put a hand on her shoulder to steady her. "Dru?"

"He was at the party."

Justin cocked his head to the side. "Who?...Who was at the party D?"


Wade. Fucking Wade. He gritted his teeth. This was the last time Dru was going anywhere without him. "Tell me what he did." He muttered.

"He...he tried to do it again," she whispered. "But...he didn't get the chance."

"He didn't get the chance?"

"No. This guy...he stopped him." She nodded. "So nothing happened."

"Good D. That's real good." It was good. If nothing drastic had happened, the press wouldn't find out...and that was good for everybody. "What about this other guy...who's he?"

"I-I dunno." She said quickly.

"You don't know?" He chuckled. "How could you not know? Didn't you talk to him...thank him?"

"Well...yeah. But I...I didn't ask him what his name was."

Justin shrugged. Obviously the guy hadn't made much of an impact on her...he was just somebody who had helped her out. Certainly not anybody that was a threat to him. "Well...that's fine D. You were probably too overwhelmed to think about it." He kissed the top of her head lightly. "You tired?"

"Mmmhmm." She nodded, her eyelids beginning to droop.

"You need me to stay the night?"

"Mmmhmm." Her eyes closed.

"Alright." He sat up and stripped down to his boxer shorts. He reached out and yanked on the chain, turning the small lamp off. "Night D." He whispered, covering himself with the blanket.


His eyes snapped open. "Yeah?"

"Do you could ever kiss me again?"

This was crazy. Crazy because she had nearly been raped by Wade again tonight...and now she was asking him if he wanted to kiss her. Was she drunk? "How many drinks did you have tonight Dru?"

"I had some water."

He laughed. "Oh."

"I mean...because if you could...I would be better. I would be like Marissa, ya know."

He knew he shouldn't have gone out tonight. He knew she felt bad about it, even if she had acted like she didn't. "'re just fine the way you are. You know why we broke up. It was because of being too stupid to realize how badly I was treating"

"But I forgive you. I forgave you a long time ago Justin." She whispered. "I still love you."

He sighed. "Dru...what do you want from me? If we get back together...I know you're only gonna get hurt again. I don't know how to love somebody like you Dru..."

" said that it's okay to see other people when you have a relationship right?" She inquired.

He swallowed hard. "Uh...yeah."

"So...then it doesn't matter. If you decide need space from me...or you need to do...what you do, then I won't say anything about it. At the end of the day, you'll know you love me anyway right?"

He really was a bastard. "Right." He muttered.

"So then...what do you think?"

"It's late Dru." He replied.

"Justin..." she whined.

"In the morning Dru. We'll talk about it in the morning."

" I need to know..."

He didn't get it. He reluctantly reached out and turned the light back on. "Dru...what's the matter with you? I thought you were happy with things."

She looked at him. Her gaze was intense. "I don't know what to think Justin."

"Why?" He pulled her close to him. "Why not?"

"Because..." she looked down at her hands. "I want us to be happy and right now I guess we are...but I still don't want you to kiss anybody else."

"That doesn't make sense D," he whispered. "If we got back together...I would still be kissin' other girls."

"I know." She nodded. "But at least you would kiss me too."

You're gonna run that poor girl into the ground... He met her gaze. There were those eyes again. The desire to feel her skin against his lips was seeping back in again. No! You can't Justin...Yes you can do what you want...

"Am I not good enough Justin?"

"Of course you are." He smiled. "You always have been." He caressed her cheek....kissed her forhead...lips...neck. It felt good. His heart was racing. "You're eyes are still...amazing."

She blushed.

"If this is what you want Dru...if this is what's gonna make you happy...then I'll try. I'll try again D." He nodded and pressed his lips against hers.

"You mean it?" She whispered, leaning her head against his chest.

"I mean it." He smiled. Sure, he would let Dru have her wish. He would take her back. What did he have to lose? He could still do what he long as Dru was naive enough to believe his stupid theory about relationships. But she would never be smart enough to figure out the truth...

"I thought you weren't gettin' back with her."

Justin shrugged. "I changed my mind." He said as he pulled into the parking lot.

Trace chuckled. "I hope you know what you're doin' J."

He rolled his eyes. "Of course I know what I'm doin."

"It's tour time," Trace pointed out. "Groupie time. You and I both know you can't go a whole tour without gettin' with one of those bus hoppin' groupie girls."

"And neither can you." Justin reminded him.

"I'm not the one with the girlfriend." He nodded. "So don't even go there."

"Look," Justin huffed. "Dru knows the deal. She knows that...I can't just be with one person, and she's cool with that."

"What the hell are you talkin' about?" Trace said, bewildered by the idea.

"I'm sayin..." he began as he pulled the car into a parking space. "That she doesn't care if I'm a spirited."

"You mean she doesn't care if you sleep around." He stated. "Damn'd you pull that one off?"

He winked at his friend. "A gentleman never tells."

Trace groaned. "I would tell you how much of a dog you are...but I'm sure you already it really isn't worth it."

"C'mon Trace." He sighed. "I'm just tryin to make the girl happy. She wants to be with I"m lettin' her be with me."

"You've got problems." Trace sighed. "Seriously dude...ever since you broke it off with've been treating every woman you meet like garbage. Is it some kinda revenge thing you got goin' on J?"

"Brit has nothing to do with this." He snapped.

"Then why are you acting like this?"

He half smiled. "Because I can."

Trace let out a disgusted grunt. "Cocky bastard. Pull yourself down a notch man. You're not that special."

"Man you..."

"Shut up." He stated.

Justin was silent.

"Dru's a nice girl Justin. Too nice for you. You shouldn't be with her, and you know that." Trace nodded. "You need to end whatever you just started with her, before she gets hurt again."

"She's not gonna get hurt." He said, glaring at his friend.

"Yes she will." Trace persisted. "Believe me or don't believe me J...I'm just tryin to be a good friend to you. This is your first solo should start it out with a clean slate. No heavy's for the best man."

"I'll decide what's best Trace." He said, as he saw Dru emerge from the large brick building. He plastered a smile across his face and waved to her. "I don't care if you give me your opinons on other stuff, and you know that...but leave Dru to me." He told him.

Trace sighed. "Whatever you want J." Justin was practically his brother, and Trace knew that was why Justin felt comfortable talking to him about how he was screwing his girlfriend over. But that didn't mean he agreed with it. In all honesty, he knew the right thing to do would be to sit down and have a long discussion with Dru about Justin's scheming ways...but he knew he couldn't. It wasn't his place to do that...just as it hadn't been his place to try and drive her away in the beginning.

All he could do was hope that Dru would wake up and realize what she was getting herself into...before it was too late.

"Hi." Dru smiled, as she reached the car.

"Hey babe." Justin said, giving her a quick peck on the mouth through the window. "How did your session go?"

"Good...Jane says hi." She yawned. "Hi Trace."

"Hey," he forced a smile.

"Where are your manners Trace?" Justin asked, shooting his friend a playful glare. "Dru gets the front...don't you know that?"

"Right." He huffed, and got out of the car.

Dru giggled. "Sorry Trace."

"Don't be." He muttered, getting in the back of Justin's car. No, she shouldnt have been sorry now...

Because she was going to be even sorrier later on.

Irresistable Dreams Productions, Copyright 2005-06 by Courtney.
Disclaimer:  I am not affiliated with NSync, Jive, WEG...ect. No stories on the site represent any actual events, and if you think that they's a mere coincidence.  All stories and non celebrity characters are original and are of my own creative thoughts.  All story banners and or videos are original works by myself, Michelle, Meredith, or Kenz and are used with permission. Plagiarism is unlawful, and will not be tolerated by any means...this means you!