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Heart Without A Home

Chapter Sixteen

"You two stay close. You hear me J?"

"Yes." Justin nodded at his bodyguard. He grasped Dru's hand tightly. "Don't be scared." He whispered.

"Scared?" Dru was confused. She didn't understand what was going on. Then the door to the van swung open....a huge crowd was revealed...flashes went off in every direction. Dru's mouth gaped...she hadn't been prepared for this.

"C'mon." Lonnie ordered, leading the way out of the van.

"Justin this way!"

"Justin who is she?"

"Justin, does Britney know about your trip to the hospital?"

Dru shook with fear. "Who are they?"

"Just hold my hand and walk. Don't talk to them, don't look at them. If they try to get near you, Lonnie'll handle it." Justin told her as he led her into the airport by the hand. He was used to being bombared by paparazzi at the airport. It was practically a part of him. Dru on the otherhand, had never been through this experience before. He knew, she must have been overwhelmed.

"Who is she!" Several of the photographers demanded.

A brilliant flash of light went off in Dru's face. "Stop it!" She screamed.

"It's ok." Justin said, soothingly. "We're almost through it Dru. Just hang on."

The next few moments were a blur. Dru was so focused on getting to where ever it was that they had to go, she hadn't even realized that they were inside the airport until she found herself stepping off of an elevator. She glanced around, the place was empty. This was a New York City airport? There was no way. She tugged at Justin's arm. "Justin."

He looked over at her tiredly. "You alright?" He chuckled.

"There's no people." She informed him.

"They're all downstairs." Justin informed her, leading her over to
a chair. "This is the private section of JFK. Welcome."

" one can be here?" Dru questioned.

"Not them." Justin nodded, referring to the mob of paparazzi they had encountered.

"Oh." Dru breathed a sigh of relief. "That's good."


Justin turned around, scared at first, but upon seeing the small group he simply laughed. "You girls...I don't know how you do it."

There were girls...a small group of them. Dru became uneasy. She let go of his hand, and backed away.

"Dru." Justin said softly. "It's ok. They're harmless." He reassured her. "Five minutes Lonnie?" He asked his protector.

Lonnie rolled his eyes. "Make it quick." He grumbled, escorting him over to the group of girls.

He was smiling, talking, taking pictures, signing...they were crying, all of them. Dru smiled. She was amazed at how much of an impact he had on people. People that didn't even know him.
But she knew him...and she wasn't crying. What did that mean?

She was so confused.
"You're quiet."

Marissa simply nodded, and continued turning the pages of the magazine she had been reading.

"Are you even reading that?" Trace laughed.

"What concern is it of yours if I'm reading it or not?" Marissa grumbled.

Trace pressed the "start" button on his game boy, causing his game of Tetris to start up again. "Do I sense a little attitude 'ris?" He chuckled.

"Shut up Trace."

"Is this about J?" He questioned, boldly.

"No." She said quickly, "And keep your voice down, they're sitting two rows ahead of us."

"You want him," Trace snickered. "I knew it."

Marissa dropped the magazine on her lap. "Why are you still talking?"

"You aren't going to be like this when we take off are you?" Trace asked. "Because six hours sitting next to a girl that's in a pissy mood ain't fun, believe me I know," He snickered. "I did it with Britney three summers ago, lord, I feel bad for her people."

"I can't believe Dru's coming to LA with us." Marissa muttered, not hearing him. "I can't believe it."

"So you do want him." Trace nodded.

She turned towards him. "I thought we were going to be together." She whispered. "A week ago, all he wanted to do was talk to, all he wants to do is talk to the hobo."

"That's a good nickname." Trace nodded.

"What's with her?" Marissa shook her head. "I mean...what the hell does he see in her?"

Trace shrugged. "I'm as clueless as you are. But, I'll tell you...she's definitely different from any girl he's ever known." He paused for a moment, "Maris' you and J...I know you guys are closer than he's acting like you are right now. You don't just...confide in a person like he confided in you and forget about it. I'll give him a week of hanging out with Dru before he gets sick of her. You know how J is 'ris." He nodded. "If I were you, I wouldn't even worry about it."

She chewed her bottom lip nervously. "Are you sure Trace?"

"Marissa, how long have I known Justin?"

"Like...eighteen years right?"

"Twenty." He corrected.

"Ok..." She shrugged. "Twenty."

"I know him better than anybody...with the exception of Lynn. Marissa, Dru isn't gonna last." He reassured her.

She stared at the back of Justin's head for several moments. "I think he fooled around with her."

Trace smiled. "He fools around with a lot of women."

"Still..." Marissa said gloomily, "I can't stand it. She doesn't deserve Justin. know, he's just so special..."

"You think too highly of him." Trace laughed. "You shouldn't, it only makes his ego grow."

"I just...I just feel that me and him belong together. I just wish he would stop gawking at hobo for three seconds and remember that I'm still here...still waiting for him."

A playful gleam entered Trace's eyes. He wanted Dru out of the picture just as badly as Marissa did. "Let's get rid of 'er." He whispered.


"Wade called me up." Trace said. "He wanted to know who that "quiet girl" was that he saw with Justin."

Marissa cracked up. "I guess he's finally gotten sick of Britney."

Trace shrugged. "All I that he really wants to see Dru again. It's the perfect opportunity to get her away from Justin. So, I think we should let him take her out...I dunno shopping or something...whatever. And know what's gonna happen." He narrowed his eyes at her.

"He'll claim his undying love for her, and get her in bed with him." Marissa smiled.

"You know J won't go for that." Trace nodded.

"But they're not even together...Dru and Justin." Marissa provided. "If she sleeps with Wade...why would Justin care?"

"You know why." Trace said softly.

"But the charity." She pointed out. "What about that?"

"This is Justin we're talking about. If he wants somebody else...he'll get somebody else. Nobody is going to be able to stop him."

Marissa was silent for a moment. "I don't want to hurt J like that Trace...and you shouldn't either."

"We're not hurting anybody Maris'." Trace insisted. "Dru shouldn't be here...she...she doesn't belong in our world. You know that...I know that. The only reason she's here is because Justin seems to think that she's his savior...or some bullsh *t like that. I told him all she had done was not tell anybody that he was sick, that he had almost died because of her...but of course, as always, I "didn't get it". She needs to leave." He persisted. "Maris'...just think, you could be you should have been this whole time."

"All right Trace," Marissa gave in. "Do what you have to do."
"Are you sure the plane isn't going to crash?" Dru squeezed his hand tightly. In all the chaos, she hadn't remembered that she had never been on an airplane before. Only now, that she was sitting here, did the realization hit her.

"It won't crash." Justin reassured her, pecking her on the cheek. Normally, he would have followed his comment by a joke to get her mind off of the current situation...

He wasn't in the mood for jokes. No, not when two of the most important people in his life were sitting behind him, plotting how to get rid of somebody he cared about. He stared out the window, his expression grew angrier...

He had heard the whole thing.

"Justin." Dru said after a moment, sensing that his mood had turned sour.


"Are you all right?"

"Fine." He nodded. He reached into his pocket, digging his bottle of medication out. He had nearly forgotten to take his pill for the afternoon. "You didn't remind me."

"Oh." She let go of his hand. "I...I'm sorry."

Justin popped the pill into his mouth, and took a sip of water from his cup, flushing the medicine down his throat. "Don't be sorry," he said after a moment.

She didn't answer.

He sighed. "'s ok." He nodded. "You need to learn not to be so sensitive all the time."

She nodded.

"You still scared?"

"Yes." She squeaked out.

"Listen, I know you've never been on an airplane before, but really, it's not anything to panic about. I used to be scared of flying too, but, you just get used to it. I fly so much, that when I'm on the plane it feels the same as being in my car, or on my tour bus....sometimes, I even forget that I'm not on the ground." He paused, the terrified expression on her face had lessened to a frightened one. He smiled, "Don't'll get used to it after a few trips."

"If you think so."

"I know so...and Dru."

She looked into his eyes. "Yeah?"

"Don't ever let anybody take advantage of you." He didn't smile.

She cocked her head to the side. "Why are you telling me that?"

He squeezed her hand. "Just promise me that you won't let it matter how much you think you trust the person."

Today had been a bit much on her. She was nauseated from everything that was being thrown at her...and right now, Justin wasn't helping. "Whatever you say." Dru sighed, and closed her eyes.

"Promise me." He whispered. "Dru?"

She opened her eyes again. "I don't know what's wrong with you." She chuckled. "Fine...I promise."

He ran his hand through her hair quickly. "Good." He turned away from her and stared out the window, now letting the pain he had been holding back seep out in a liquid form.

He didn't know what he was going to do.

In the twenty years he had been friends with him, never once had Trace acted like this. It hurt. He wasn't sure of course, but right now it didn't seem that he could ever trust his best friend again.

As for Marissa...

She was just another girl, after Justin Timberlake. Her whole, "Justin is special" act, was a bunch of bullsh*t, and he knew it. For the first time, he was glad he hadn't slept with her.

She was lucky she was good at what she did...or she would be out of a job by the end of the week. No, he couldn't fire her, not this close to tour time. It would take a miracle to find another stylist as good as she was.

He felt the plane surge to life. Within moments, it had started its course down the runway. He loved taking off...


He turned toward Dru again. "Shh. You're fine."

She clung to him. She squeezed her eyes shut, her entire body shook with fear.

"I'm here." He whispered, rubbing her back. "Don't be scared D." He continued his calming technique until the plane had finally settled itself in the air. He looked down at her, and smiled. Her eyes were still closed. " your eyes. Look Dru, look how beautiful it is up here."

Sensing the danger had come and gone, Dru slowly opened her eyes. She looked out the window, and gasped. She had never seen anything like it before. "W-o-w." She got out slowly, like a child would on Christmas Day.

"See, that wasn't so bad." Justin chuckled, kissing the top of her head.

The plane hit an airpocket, causing it to shake slightly.

Her grip on his arm tightened. "Jus!"

He laughed. "Wait till I get you to Disneyland girl. Just wait."

"What's a Disneyland?"

Irresistable Dreams Productions, Copyright 2005-06 by Courtney.
Disclaimer:  I am not affiliated with NSync, Jive, WEG...ect. No stories on the site represent any actual events, and if you think that they's a mere coincidence.  All stories and non celebrity characters are original and are of my own creative thoughts.  All story banners and or videos are original works by myself, Michelle, Meredith, or Kenz and are used with permission. Plagiarism is unlawful, and will not be tolerated by any means...this means you!