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Heart Without A Home

Chapter Seventeen

Justin's eyes fluttered open. It was the stewardess. He flashed her a tired smile. "Are we there yet?"

She chuckled. "We'll be landing in about twenty minutes. I feel terrible about waking you, but I just wanted to make sure that the young lady fastened her seatbelt prior to landing."

He glanced at Dru. Her head was resting on his shoulder, her arms were wrapped around his waist. Her mouth was hanging open, and every few seconds an almost silent snore would escape her mouth. He snickered, he wished he had his camera on him. "No problem." He assured the stewardess.

"Did you want anything else before we landed?"

"I think I'm good." He nodded. "Although, she really liked those little vanilla cookies."

"I'll get you a pack for the road." She winked at him. "Have a good landing Mr. Timberlake."

"Thanks." He replied, watching her make her way down the aisle. "Hey D." He whispered, tapping her on the shoulder.

"Mickey and Minnie," she mumbled, still asleep.

He laughed. "Dru, wake up."

A moment later her eyes snapped open, and she looked up at him. "Justin?"


"I had a dream." She yawned. "We were in Disneyland, like you told me about."

He raised his eyebrows. "Really?"

She nodded.

He smiled, remembering the detailed description of Disneyland he had provided Dru with several hours earlier. "Was it as fun as I made it sound?"

She smiled. "Yeah, except I threw up on the teacups. I threw up all over Lonnie."

He laughed out loud. "Lonnie's comin' on the teacups with us!"

She sat up and stretched. "Are we almost there?"

"Yeah, the lady that gave you those cookies wants you to put your seatbelt on." He informed her.


"You remember how?" He asked her.

"I'm not retarded." She laughed.

He crossed his arms. "All right, let's see you do it."

She bit her bottom lip nervously. Now she had to get it right. She took a piece of the seatbelt in each hand, and attempted to fasten it. She let out a disgusted groan five minutes later, when she couldn't get the thing to fasten. "I'm such a moron."

"No you're not." Justin smiled. "You're just not putting the flat piece in the right end. Here...first you fasten it like this..." He took the two parts out of her hands and fastened them together. "And then you make it tight," he pulled on the belt until it was secure enough for his liking. "Get it?"

She nodded. He hadn't taken his hand off of her waist yet. She looked down at his hand, and blushed.

He inched his hand under her shirt, and caressed the smooth skin underneath. His eyebrows perked up, when he felt what he thought was a scar. He bent down to get a closer look.

"Justin...what are you doing?" She asked him.

It was a scar. A fairly large one, right above her belly button. He was surprised he hadn't noticed it the night they had fooled around, but then again, that had been a crazy night. A worried expression was apparent on his face. "Where did you get that?"

She gasped, and pushed his hand away. "Don't worry about it." She said quickly, yanking her shirt down.


"It's nothing." She lied. "It's just a scar. Everyone has scars."

"That's a big scar for it to be nothing."

"Justin...just stop it. It's a scar...end of story." She folded her arms across her chest, and looked away from him. She hated herself for shutting him out, but she didn't feel she was ready to talk about the scar yet, especially here. She felt the plane begin to descend, and forgot that she was upset with him. She clung to him for dear life.

"I guess I'm forgiven." Justin smiled. "Don't worry, this part
isn't as scary as taking off."

"All right." She squeaked out. She didn't hesitate to squeeze her eyes shut though.

Justin smiled. It felt good. His girls' arms around him...landing in a few hours he'd be home, eating his Mom's peach cobbler...cookies...cake...playing with the dogs. Tomorrow he'd take Dru shopping...maybe buy her a new wardrobe. The next day he'd go to Disney...make Lonnie go on the teacups and pray that Dru's dream would become a reality.


It was even better than clubbing.

Although he knew, even though he was on a "break due to
stress", as the doctors had told didn't mean he was really going to get away from business. As it was, the charity people were flying out next week to meet with Dru, and Johnny had arranged several meetings with him already. He didn't know why they had all told him he was on a break, because his work was following him home.

Yes, it was a month away from signings and things of that nature...but not away from the business.

He sighed.

He would never escape this business. But at least he had somebody that would stick with him through it all.

Unlike other people who were only out for themselves.

No, he wasn't looking foward to facing Trace and Marissa once they were all off the plane.
Is this a hotel, like the one in New York?

Dru wanted to put forth the question, even though she knew it was as lame a question as she would ever ask. She knew the answer. She knew this house, no, this mansion belonged to Justin. She hugged her pack closer to her chest, craning to take in the height and expanse of the place. The cream stucco building seemed to stretch out a mile in both directions. Someone here knew how to take care of plants and flowers. Brightly colored flora and plantlife bloomed along the lower exterior portion of the house and in every windowbox she could see. Two marble pillars framed a gilt edged entranceway. While Justin dug into his jeans pocket for his keys, Dru couldn't help running her fingers up and down the smooth column. So beautiful, she thought.

To her surprise, her eyes were brimming with tears. All the
hardships she had been through had somehow led her here. What had she done to deserve this?

She wasn't worthy.

"Damn," Justin grumbled, pulling the key out of the lock. "That's the other house."

Her eyes widened. Other house? Justin had another house? She couldn't believe it. How could he afford a house this size, plus another one? "Justin?"

He stuck another key into the lock. "Hmm."

"Why do you need two houses?"

It was the right key this time, he began to push the door open, but paused as he heard her question. "Why?"

Dru nodded.

"I" He shrugged, flashing her a smile. "I just bought this one actually. The other house in is Florida..." He paused, seeming to remember something. "But, I don't stay there much anymore."

"Oh," she still didn't understand, but decided that she was too tired to inquire about the subject any further.

"Come on." He took her by the hand and led her inside his home.

"Justin Justin Justin Justin Justin Juuuuuuuuuuuuuuustin!!!"

Dru gasped and took a step backward as a small boy came running up to them. His arms were spread wide, his face and hands were smeared with chocolate. She smiled, he was a smaller version of Justin, less the shaved head.

Justin's eyes were filled with excitement. He dropped his bag, and picked up the small boy, swinging him around and around in his arms. "Hey buddy!"

The boy wrapped his arms around Justin's neck and planted a sloppy chocolate kiss on his cheek. "I missed you," he cooed.

Justin attempted to wipe the chocolate off of his cheek. "I missed you too buddy." He put the boy down, and mussed his hair.

"Did you get the Saber Toothed Metallic Lizard for me?" The child asked, hopeful. "Mom won't get it for me, she says it's too noisy."


Dru looked in the direction of the impatient female voice. She swallowed hard. Lynn was standing in the kitchen doorway, her arms crossed, staring at who could only be her small son, with an impatient, but loving smile on her face.

Jonathan turned toward his mother, a sorrowful look on his face.

"Don't you think Justin would like to sit down first?"

"Yes Mama." Jonathan nodded. "Sorry."

"Go wash that chocolate off of yourself." Lynn laughed, giving her son a light pat on the behind as he squeezed past her, back into the kitchen.

"That's mine!" Jonathan yelled from the kitchen, moments later.

"No! I had it first!" Another small voice yelled.

Dru's eyes widened. Now she heard two small boys. She had never been around small children before.


Justin laughed. "I can't believe you brought them both Ma." He smiled, swaggering over to his Mother, pecking her softly on the cheek. "How are ya?"

She returned his kiss. "Tired. The boys convinced me to make them a treat. Did you know that you had twelve boxes of Jello chocolate pudding in your cabinet dear?"

He blushed. "I guess I didn't realize..."

"Well it's gone. I made pudding pops...enough to last the boys until we leave." Lynn laughed. "Well...we can only hope they last anyway."

Dru's head whirled. Pudding pops, little brothers, houses so big they could fit twelve families...She leaned against an impossibly smooth banister and held her head.

"Dru." Justin said, motioning her to join himself and his Mother. "You want to get settled?"

Lynn smiled. She was glad that Justin had decided to bring Dru along. She hoped that her son's extended vacation would give her the chance to get to know the girl a little better. "Hello dear." She smiled.

"Hi." Dru whispered. Ever since her luncheon with Lynn...she had been terrified of the woman. She was convinced that Lynn hated her immensely, and would stop at nothing to get rid of her.

"Dru's gonna stay here with us Mom." Justin nodded, his eyes asking her for approval. "You know, just until I go back to work."

Lynn smiled. "I'm glad you're here Dru. Maybe later, you can help me fix dinner."

Dru gasped. Fix dinner? She didn't even know how to turn on an oven. She looked at Justin, her eyes pleading with him to help her.

"'d like that, right Dru?" Justin replied, his grin a mile wide.

Jerk. "Um...yeah."

"Good." Lynn said, pleased. "Well, I won't keep you. I'm sure you've both had a long flight and want to get settled. Dru, I'm going to start the roast at about four, is that alright?"

"F-fine." She stuttered.

Justin snorted, trying to hold his laughter back.

"Mom! Steven threw puddin' at me!" Jonathan screamed, breaking the calmness of the moment.

Lynn groaned. "The joys of motherhood." She rushed back into the kitchen, where, after a moment, she could be heard scolding the two boys.

"Why...why did you tell your Mother that?" Dru said, angrily. "I can't cook Justin, christ...I don't even think I could
turn on the oven...what the hell..."

"Shh." Justin said, putting a finger to his lips. "You'll be fine. Remember, she doesn't know where you're from...we need to make you out to be as normal as possible."

"I shouldn't have come. I knew I shouldn't have come." She huffed.

"Dru, come on." Justin whined. "Don't be this way, we just got here."

"I-can't-cook." She seethed. "I-am-use-less."

"Dammit Dru!" Justin said, a little too loudly. "You're not useless. My God, I wish just for once, you would look at yourself in a positive light."

She shook her head in annoyance, "You tend to forget who I am and where I'm from," she whispered.

Justin coughed.

Dru gasped. "Justin..."

He slowly pulled his hand away from his mouth. He was shocked. For the first time, there was no blood. "It's okay."

He whispered. "Dru...look, I'm okay."

She let out a relieved sigh. "Thank God."

He wrapped his arms around her. "If it wasn't for you...the blood would be there."

"I'm sorry I got mad." She sobbed, leaning her head into his chest. "This is just...really scary for me Justin."

"I know," he whispered, planting a soft kiss on her lips. "And I'm here for you. C'mon, I'll give you the grand tour, you know, so you won't get lost when you have to pee."

His comment made her laugh. "You're house isn't that big, as much as you'd like to think so."

He raised his eyebrows. "Oh no?"

"Mmm-mm." She shook head.

"My room is big," he snickered.


"The bed is big too."

Dru rolled her eyes. "Why did I know you were going to say that?"

He kissed her again, harder this time. "You wanna see?"
Did Lynn kill the cow...was it a cow? Wait...what was it? What was a "roast" made of anyway? Dru didn't know. All she knew, was that Lynn was having her smear some kind of gook all over the "roast." She prayed to God that she was doing it right.

"Make sure you season it evenly dear." Lynn smiled, from her postion at the opposite end of the counter, where she was peeling potatoes and cutting up carrots.

"Yes ma'am."

Lynn chuckled. "You don't have to call me ma'am." She
reassured her. "Lynn will do just fine."

She blushed slightly, "Alright...Lynn."

"What's your name?"

Dru's eyes widened. She looked over at Jonathan who, to her surprise, had unglued his eyes from the tiny television that sat on the counter. "My name?"

The child nodded. "Steven wants to know."

"Do not!" The boy seated next to Jonathan exclaimed. "You're stupid John!"

"Steven!" Lynn exclaimed.

"Sorry Mama."

Lynn sighed, and continued chopping her vegetables.

"So what's your name?" Jonathan repeated.


Jonathan cocked his head to the side. "Why're you here?"


"Jonathan." Lynn warned.

"Do you like my brother?" Steven inquired, boldly.

Dru bit her lip. "Well...he's my friend."

"Are you his girlfriend?" Jonathan smiled.


"Boys!" Lynn exclaimed, having had enough of her children's interview. "That's enough."

"We just wanted to know." Steven provided. "Because we saw Justin kissin' 'er before."

Dru's eyes widened. could they have seen?

Lynn's mouth gaped. "Boys...I want you upstairs."



The two boys bolted from the kitchen.

Dru didn't move, didn't make a sound. She was terrified.

Lynn's expression became intensely serious. "Dru."

"Uh huh."

"Tell me the truth."

No! She wanted to scream. Christ, where the hell was Justin now? Sleeping...that's where. Sleeping, because he had been so tired after they had finished "touring" his bedroom. Yes sleeping, while she was down here, caught in a code red situation with his Mother. "The truth?" She questioned, as if she had no idea what the woman was talking about.

"My boys don't tell stories." Lynn stated. "What is your relationship with my son Dru? Is it strictly professional, as he has been telling me...or is it something more?"

Her bottom lip quivered. "He loves me..."

It was all she could get out, before she ran from the kitchen...

She knew she shouldn't have come.

Irresistable Dreams Productions, Copyright 2005-06 by Courtney.
Disclaimer:  I am not affiliated with NSync, Jive, WEG...ect. No stories on the site represent any actual events, and if you think that they's a mere coincidence.  All stories and non celebrity characters are original and are of my own creative thoughts.  All story banners and or videos are original works by myself, Michelle, Meredith, or Kenz and are used with permission. Plagiarism is unlawful, and will not be tolerated by any means...this means you!