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He had it all, or so it seemed. Stressed out and restless from a downhill relationship, Trace Ayala feels helpless, until a life altering change comes along, forcing him to focus on what he so desperately wants to rid himself of.

Jenna Kade has struggled most of her life, especially now, burdened with a six year old brother and a barely of age teenage sister. Between jobs, she feels hopeless…that she’ll be living in the streets in no time. Can a glass of spilled coke, and an unlikely force turn her life around?


Irresistable Dreams Productions, Copyright 2005-06 by Courtney.
Disclaimer:  I am not affiliated with NSync, Jive, WEG...ect. No stories on the site represent any actual events, and if you think that they's a mere coincidence.  All stories and non celebrity characters are original and are of my own creative thoughts.  All story banners and or videos are original works by myself, Michelle, Meredith, or Kenz and are used with permission. Plagiarism is unlawful, and will not be tolerated by any means...this means you!