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Strip Tease
Chapter Two

We are up in the suburbs. Funny, I never realized how wealthy some areas of Tennessee truly are. I'm impressed. But when we stop in front of a big iron gate...I am truly amazed. His house is gigantic, but really, why wouldn't it be? The man has money pouring out of his rear end. The gate parts, and the car surges forward, making its way down the long, gravel driveway. I look over at him, hoping that he might say something...anything. He's been silent the whole trip, not taking his gaze away from the window once.

I still can't believe I'm going to be living here.

The car stops, and the black man gets out of the car, quickly running around the car to open Justin's door.

"Lets go," he tells me. His voice is rough, grainy. His hand grabs my wrist, it's cold...and clammy. The black man leads the way to the house. The door is already open. Justin mumbles something to the man. The man nods. Justin pulls me inside and pushes the door shut...I'm expecting a magnificent home, full of priceless possessions...I'm wrong...

There are boxes...tons of them, everywhere. By the looks of it I'm guessing he has just moved in, or he's just not around enough to fix things up. But the guy is rich...can't he just hire somebody?

Oh wait...I almost forgot. I'm the "housekeeper" aren't I? "It's...nice." I blurt out.

"There isn't much to it," he shrugs. "I know you were probably expecting some kind of "Mtv Cribs" type of deal." He says, without a hint of laughter in his voice. He runs a hand over his shaved head before dropping it limply at his side.

"If you don't mind...can I please ask you something?" I ask him, with a shaky voice.

He shrugs. "I don't care."

"I don't quite understand this whole agreement. I mean, why do I have to live with you?…and what's the deal with these meetings?"

"That's the way things are. If you don't like the terms, too bad. You already signed the paper," he snaps at me. "Come on, I'll show you where you'll be sleeping, and then I'll go over the basics." he starts for the wooden stairway. I follow.

He's walking fast...too fast. I can barely keep up. It's starting to piss me off.

"The basics" I grumble. This guy is weird...even for a celebrity. So, It seems like he has crawled into a shell, and is shutting himself out from the world. I wonder...just what happened to him that was so bad? He's not poor, he's living a dream life...then why is he wasting his time being miserable?
We reach the top of the stairs. There is a long hallway ahead. There are many doors. He leads the way down the hall and stops about halfway down the passage. After a moment, he finally turns around and faces me. I gasp. His face is pale, and tired. His eyes...bloodshot. He looks like hell.

"Are you alright?" I ask.

He rolls his eyes and opens the door with a flick of his diamond studded wrist.

"This is your room." He informs me, once the door is wide open. "Do whatever it is you want to do with it. I don't care." he grumbles. "That," he points to the room adjacent to mine. "Is my room. Don't go in it."

I smile. "Is it like the West Wing of the Beast's castle?"

"You're not funny." He mutters. "Do you cook?"

"I can make French toast." I supply.

He groans. "You're gonna need to learn how to cook. I can't cook...I'm much too busy."

I glare at him. "You're stupid contract never said I had to cook."
He crossed his arms. "Well usually a housekeeper does the cooking."

"I don't cook." I snap.

"Fine!" He exclaims. "I guess I'll have to hire a damn cook then."

"Let's just get something straight here. I'm posing as the housekeeper. My job is to give you what you want when you want it...that's it."

He lets out a soft chuckle. "I should have known better. You know what I should have done...I should have just hired a really hot maid and paid them to clean the house and sleep with me."

I shake my head in disgust. "Pig."

He is enraged by my comment. He raises his hand to me...

I let out a small shriek. Images of my father flash through my

You better listen girl! You better listen...


I look at him. His arm is hanging at his side, the wild look has left his eyes. He looks...almost...sorry.

"Look...just don't talk back to me alright?" He grumbles. "Eric is downstairs. You probably need to get your stuff right?"

"Yeah." I whisper.

He nods. "Good. Be back by two am."

He says no more. He drags himself into his room and slams the door behind him.

I am still trembling. The fact that he was about to hit me is making me want to run away from here and never come back.

But I have no choice. I signed the contract...

This is my life now.

But...what will Jade say?
It is eleven o'clock now. Jade is curled up on the couch, tissues are scattered around her. I glance at the cause of her tears...Jack is confessing his love to rose. I have to laugh. You know, Jack was probably really thinking about how fast he could knock rose off of that floating door so he could save himself. I stand back and watch my friend sob over the movie as if it is the last time I am going to see her. But actually, I probably won't be able to see her for quite some time. Unless of course "master" allows me visitors...


Oh lord.

"You know you should really throw that movie away," I speak up after a little while. "I mean, how many times can a person sit through Titanic and actually enjoy it?"

Jade nods, and waves her tissue in the air. She doesn't want me to ruin the moment for her, even though she's seen this movie about twenty times.

The elderly version of Rose dies...the younger Rose appears again...she meets her long lost love on the stairs. They are eternally together...blah blah blah...

"You know you cried the first time you saw it." Jade laughs, flicking off the television.

I plop myself down on the couch and lay my head on her shoulder. "I need to talk to you."

She is silent for a moment. "Alright...what's the matter hun?"

The fact that she is being so nice right now isn't making this any easier. "He showed up tonight" I tell her.

She smiles. "So what happened?"

I don't reply for several moments. I am trying to figure out the right way to tell her I'm moving in with this guy that I've only known for two days. A guy who just tried to hit me no less. The idea is absolutely insane, and I know if she were the one telling me all of this I would probably laugh in her face and tell her to get a grip. "'s the deal Jade. He sat down and told me he was going to pay me three million dollars..."

Jade gasps. "Three...million...dollars? Deja! Are you for real!"

I half smile. "Yes. But there's more. I signed this contract...and by doing so...I agreed to live with him."

"Deja! I can't believe you!" Jade hollers at me. "How can you just move into a house with a guy you barely know?"

"The money!" I yell back. Well it wasn't exactly yelling... it was more like…a little louder than talking.

Alright it was yelling.

"I hate working at Babes!" I tell her. "But if I do this...I'll be set for life. I'll never have to work again, and neither will you."

Jade raises her hands above her head. "He's paying you to be his personal prostitute Dej'. That's not worth any amount of money. Don't you have any respect for yourself?"


She won't let me get any words out. "You know, when you first told me about this guy I thought it was funny. It's not funny anymore." Her expression is serious. Yes, she's pissed.

"Just trust me." I beg her.

"Trust you?" She chuckles. "I don't have to trust you Deja. This is your life...your body. If you want to put yourself to shame by selling yourself to Justin Timberlake then go right ahead. But don't expect me to support you." She gets off the couch. "I'm going to bed." She heads off in the direction of her bedroom.


She doesn't answer.

I am on my own.
It's three in the morning. That girl...Deja...she's still not back. It's beginning to annoy me, because she's wasting Eric's time to get her shit done. When she gets back, I'm going to set her straight...wait, the morning I'll set her straight. I'm not in the mood to talk right now.

I'm thirsty now. I roll out of bed and stumble into the bathroom. I squint as I turn the lights on. After several minutes of blinking profusely, my eyes finally adjust to the light. I look into the mirror and gawk at myself. That's not me... the pale skin and bloodshot eyes...that's not me...this pain that I feel isn't me...I never let anything hurt me before. Then Britney happened...

I shouldn't be thinking about her. The album...that's the only thing that I need to think about.

I often wish it would all vanish. The fans, the memories, the media...I'm done with it. I don't want to do this anymore, not this second anyway. Tomorrow though, when I go to that radio station...I'll want it then. Getting attention drives me...builds me up, makes me feel important...needed...wanted.

I need to be wanted by somebody.

I sigh and take my clothes off. I step into the shower, and slide the door closed. I run the water...letting the warm liquid run down my body. Feels so good... I love taking showers. Sometimes, it's the only thing that can get me to calm down when I feel I'm losing my mind.

I stand in the shower until the hot water runs out. With a groan, I slide the door open again and walk out. I wrap a towel around my waist. I consider putting on some's a warm night. I'll sleep like this.

Moment's later, I'm lying in my bed again. I'm cold. I turned the air conditioning up to high, I consider getting up to turn it, too much work. Taking the easy way out, I pull my blanket on top of me. I let out a long yawn... my eyes are getting heavy. I'll be asleep soon...


I perk up, reluctantly. "Come in" I grumble. I roll over onto my side. She's back now...and it's about damn time. "Where have you been?" I ask her, hugging my blanket to my chest. "I told you to be back by two. It's three."

"I had to say goodbye to Jade, my roommate." She tells me. "I wanted to make things right between us before I left. She wasn't too thrilled when I told her about all of this."

"You signed the contract" I sat up in the bed, letting my blanket fall, revealing my bare chest. I'm cold again...damn her. "It was your choice. Your friend will get over it."

"Whatever," she turns away, about to leave.

"Don't turn your back on me," I say, my voice booming. "I didn't say you could go. You go, when I tell you to go. Now," I pause, letting my voice become softer. I'm in the mood now..."Come here."

She turns back around, her expression is different from before...sad now...not angry. I get out of the bed, knowing I can be naked in front of her and she won't care. Seconds later I'm holding her...caressing her her... I can feel her hesitate for a split second...but the feeling passes quickly. She wants this...she's wanted it since the first time she saw me.... I think that's why I picked her. I knew I would have total control. She belongs to me...I love it...

I led her to the bed. She's wild...all over me...begging me for it...moaning my name...over and over...

I have control.

I have been on my hands and knees all day (and no, it's not what your thinking either). Mr. Timberlake woke my ass up at seven this morning to inform me that he was "having a party" and I had to "fix his house for him". He also informed me that he was "going into the studio and would be back at three". Just to intimidate me he had added in that if I hadn't completed my mission when he got home we would be having a "a few words". It was so hard not to laugh at him. The more serious he acts towards me, the funnier it is (with the exception of the time that he almost hit me, of course.) He thinks I'm afraid of him...

I wish he knew how wrong he was.

His Greatness is due home in an hour, and I'm proud to say that this house is looking damn good. It doesn't look like a box factory looks like a home. I have to admit, Justin has some pretty cool stuff. I set up the entertainment center equipment (don't ask me how) and it's amazing. Plasma television...amazing stereo system...a music and movie collection so gigantic, he probably doesn't even know what he has verses what he doesn't.

It must be great to have everything...

It must be great to not care too.

Last night was odd. A few hours after we had finished, I thought I could hear him sobbing. I had woken up, and discovered I had been right. Not only was he crying...but he was shaking his sleep. Crying and shaking... I couldn't help but feel sorry him. He seemed so afraid...I woke him up. He was startled, but when he had realized who I was he became angry. "What the hell do you want", was his greeting. I had asked him what was the matter...that I had heard him sobbing. Of course he didn't answer...he retreated into the bathroom instead.

I considered sleeping in my own room after that, but I couldn't bring myself to do it. After all, he hadn't said I could go...and of course I wouldn't want to make him any angrier than he already was.

On the lighter side...the sex was once again, absolutely amazing. I'm beginning to realize how much of a different person Justin becomes when we sleep together. He becomes this gentle, caring, loving person. A person who would never raise a hand to a woman. He doesn't treat what we do as sex. He treats it as making love, and I'm thankful to him for that. I'm thankful that he has allowed me to have a little dignity.

I hear the front door slam shut. The footsteps are quick. Someone is whistling...Oh Suzanna? Moment's later, Justin appears at the entrance to the room. He doesn't look so tired today...he almost looks happy. He glances around his large living room, surveying my hard work. Yes...I'm about to be commended

He doesn't say anything to me. He turns and walks away. I am disappointed. Maybe...he wants me to follow...yes...I quickly get up from the sofa and follow him into the kitchen. His lean body, clad in jeans and a plain white shirt, leans against the kitchen counter. He is yakking away on his cell phone. Something about steak...he wants the good kind...

I wait until he is finished with his phone call before speaking. "So…"

He takes an apple from the bowl of fruit I had placed on the counter earlier. "You did a good job" he admitted, taking a bite. " Amm impreshed..." he says, his mouth full of apple.

I wiped several fragments of chewed-up apple off of my shirt. "There were some other things...that I didn't know what to do with. I put them your bedroom..."

His eyebrows raised. "What things?"

My heart begins to race. "Some albums...stuff like that."

"Oh," he says simply. "Did you look through them?"

Was this a test? If I say I looked at one of them to find out what it was...will he get mad? Will he hit me? Will he... take civil action?


"No," I lie. Maybe if he hadn't raised his hand to me the other night, I would have fessed up to my crime. It's better to be safe than sorry.

My answer doesn't seem to phase him either way. He is bored with what I have done all day. It doesn't matter to him. It doesn't matter that I busted my ass making his house look beautiful.

"You're going to get dressed up and come to the little party tonight." he says to me. It's not a question.

I smile, delighted that he has invited me to attend a party that he's throwing. Up until now, I never thought he would have considered including me in anything. "Sounds like fun."

"Good. You're serving the drinks." He nods. "Wear something know...something you would wear for entertaining," he smiles. "You know what I mean."

My smile fades. I'm not invited to his party. I've merely been hired as this evenings beer wench. This is awful. Now I'll be stuck in a room with a million of his friends, serving them drinks...being groped... "But..." I begin to protest.

But he's already gone.

Irresistable Dreams Productions, Copyright 2005-06 by Courtney.
Disclaimer:  I am not affiliated with NSync, Jive, WEG...ect. No stories on the site represent any actual events, and if you think that they's a mere coincidence.  All stories and non celebrity characters are original and are of my own creative thoughts.  All story banners and or videos are original works by myself, Michelle, Meredith, or Kenz and are used with permission. Plagiarism is unlawful, and will not be tolerated by any means...this means you!