"I got my Mom to take Dru to the movies with the boys. Hopefully they'll be gone until we get this all worked out."
wanted to squeal with delight. She knew something was going on when Justin had called her up so suddenly that afternoon. This
was it...he was going to confess his undying love for her...Oh Marissa...I just...don't know how I could of let my feelings
for you stay buried within me for so long....
"I need you to call the florist...I need a really nice bouquet for
the dinner table, and I also need you to find a cook...Italian food is best...you know, somebody who can come to the house
and cook a meal for me and Dru." Jusitn explained, his eyes gleaming with excitement. "I know this isn't really your job 'ris...but
I figured you would probably be better at this than Trace would be." He chuckled.
Marissa swallowed back her anger.
"Sure," she muttered. This was unbelievable. Trace obviously wasn't working hard enough on the "plan". Well, Trace could shove
his plan up his ass. She was going to handle this herself.
Justin half smiled. Maybe...he had jumped to conclusions.
Maybe Marissa had just been angry...
"Justin, we need to talk."
His smile faded. He knew it was too good to
be true. "Talk?"
"What happened to us Justin?" Marissa asked. "I thought...you liked me."
Justin rose off of
the sofa. "I do like you Mar. You're a great friend."
"You know what I mean J." Marissa said sternly. "Two weeks ago,
I was the only girl you wanted. We both know that...so what happened?"
Justin laughed. "Dru happened."
can't be serious about this girl Justin." Marissa shook her head.
"Why the hell not?"
"Because," she paused
and narrowed her eyes at him, "I know you. Dru isn't your type."
"Oh, and you are?" Justin scoffed. "Look, maybe...I
was attracted to you once 'ris, but right now, the only person I want to be with is Dru. I care about her...a lot." Justin
"Oh please!" Marissa exclaimed. "The girl is nothing more than a bum who is feeding off of your wealth.
I don't know why you can't see that J! You and me...we're the same kind of people...we belong together."
"She's not
a bum," Justin seethed. "You don't know her. Nobody does. Nobody takes the time to see her for the person she is. Dru...she's
special. I know she is, and nobody...not you...not Trace...and not even my Mother is going to make me think any different."
turned away from her. "And I really don't appreciate the fact that you were about to bring Wade into this." He whispered.
jaw practically hit the floor. How did he know?
"You know how much I hate him," he said, finally turning back around. "Why would you...want to hurt me? Why would you
want to drive Dru...somebody who I care about...away?"
Her bottom lip trembled. "Because...I didn't know what else
to do," she said, beginning to sob. "I just got upset...because I have all these feelings for you. I got so upset, that I
was willing to do anything to get you all to myself again," she looked at the floor. "I never wanted to hurt you Jus'." She
whispered. "I...guess I just fell in love with you. Is that bad?"
Justin sucked in a breath. He wanted to be mad at
her, but at the same time he wanted to hug her. He had confused the girl. He had led her on. If it were any other girl he
wouldn't have cared. But this was Marissa. The girl that had worked loyally at his side for five consecutive years. The girl
that was there for him at four in the morning when Britney and Wade were having sex in his hotel room. She was...Marissa.
And Justin knew, as much as he thought he cared about Dru, he could never forget his Marissa. "No," he got out finally. "It's
not bad Mar. This is my fault. I'm was born a dog, and I'll die a dog. You deserve better than this," he stepped toward her
and pulled her into a friendly hug. "Please say you'll try to find somebody worthy of you. Somebody better than me."
nobody better than you J." She whispered, staring into his hypnotic blue eyes.
"I love Dru," he admitted. "I do."
nodded, and pulled away from him. "I understand."
"I hope we can still be friends. You know, like before."
forced a smile. "I'll always be your friend Justin."
An awkward moment of silence passed. The two friends gazed at
each other, each one trying to read the others thoughts. Both knew they cared for one another, but neither of them knew just
how much.
"I'll start calling some people." Marissa said finally. Her tone was different now, much more business like.
"I'll try to have everything ready in a couple of hours."
"Don't kill yourself," Justin snickered, following her into
the kitchen. "It's just dinner."
"It's important to you." Marissa reasoned, yanking the phonebook out from under the
sink. "And it's my job to make it turn out right."
Justin frowned. "Don't get all businessy on me Mar'...you know it's
never been like that with us."
"Things are different now," Marissa said softly, not taking her gaze off the page of
the phone book she was studying. "Everything is starting to change, and maybe it's for the best."
Justin nodded. He
gazed at the back of Marissa's head. For the first time he didn't feel attracted to her. Yes, she was right.
were definitely changing. But, was it for the best?
Justin was stumped. ********************* "Look what I found!"
Steven squealed, thrusting his treasure in Dru's face.
Dru studied the glittery rock for several moments, trying to
imagine herself when she was his age. She remembered...being cold...cocoa...the little rag doll her mother had made. There
had been no sunny playgrounds, no other little boys and girls to chase around...
Jonathan shoved his brother out of
the way. "Mine's better! Look Dru! Mine's really glittery!"
Dru smiled at the two boys, who were now fighting each
other for her attention. "I think you both have really nice rocks." She nodded.
The boys exchanged glances.
you be our princess Dru?" Jonathan asked her, after several moments.
Steven smiled. "We need a princess,"
he paused and pointed to the large playground behind him. "To save from the dragon."
She glanced to her left. Lynn
was just where she said she would be. Sitting in the shade with a half a dozen other Mothers, sipping iced tea and chattering
the day away. Dru wanted to play with the boys, but was afraid that Lynn might think her odd for doing so. But really, what
did it matter? She had missed out on her childhood, and now she was getting the chance to run off to a faraway land and become
a beautiful princess, who was in the clutches of an evil dragon. How could she possibly resist the offer? She shot up from
the bench. "Let's play." She smiled.
"Come on!" Steven shouted.
Dru laughed as each boy took one of her hands
and began to drag her onto the playground. The second her feet hit the sandy floor of the play area, she didn't feel like
herself anymore. She was a child again...ready to run, ready to play...ready to create a fantasy world for herself and her
two companions.
"That's the castle." Steven informed her, pointing to a mock suspension bridge. "That's where you stay
Dru." He removed the Burger King crown from his head. "Here's the crown the princess wears. Jonathan ripped it though."
Jonathan whispered.
Dru placed the paper crown upon her head, making sure the side with the rip wasn't showing. "It's
beautiful," she smiled.
"Okay Dru, you go in the castle. Jonathans gonna be the dragon, and I'm gonna the brave knight."
Steven explained.
"You got to be the brave knight the last time!" Jonathan whined.
Steven stuck his tounge out
at his brother.
"I know!" Dru said, interrupting their argument. "Steven can be the brave knight first, and then after
that, Jonathan can have a turn." Dru waited for a response. Steven didn't seem to be thinking about the situation much at
all...he tended to leave the decision making up to his brother. But why wouldn't he? Jonathan was older.
After several
minutes, Steven nodded his head in agreement. "Okay Dru," he said simply.
For the next few hours, Dru stood on the
tiny suspension bridge, shouting out pathetic cries for help as Steven and Jonathan took turns conquering each other. She
was loving every minute of it. Never had she experienced a child's world of imagination before. It was so laid back, so careless...so
concealed from the painful realities of life. She was having so much fun, in fact, that she didn't even notice when Lynn entered
their fantasy kingdom.
"It's getting late boys." Lynn told her sons with a smile. She squinted at the person that was
standing on the tiny bridge. "Dru dear, is that you?"
Dru turned her attention to the voice, and gasped when she saw
that the voice belonged to Lynn. She quickly snatched the paper crown off of her head and hid it behind her back. "Hi Lynn."
She called. "Just...watching the boys play," she blushed.
Lynn tried to hide her smile. She thought it was sweet that
the boys were becoming so attatched to Dru, and that she was playing along. She was actually the first girl that Justin had
ever brought home, that had taken an interest in the boys. Now, she was beginning to realize just what her son had meant by
saying: [I]Dru is special Mom, just watch her...and you'll see why...[/I] "Well, Justin just called me. He said that he needs
to discuss some charity things with you." Lynn explained. "So I'm going to bring you back."
"Oh," Dru said, descending
from her castle tower. "That's fine." Steven ran up to Dru. "The crown," he demanded, sticking his hand out.
handed the paper crown back to him. He snatched it from her and ran off in the direction of Lynn's SUV, being closely followed
by his brother. She began to walk, but Lynn pulled her back.
"Walk slow," Lynn chuckled. "I find, that if I let them
get to car before me, it gives them a chance to work off whatever energy they have left fighting over the bottles of powerade
and bags of goldfish. By the time I actually reach them, they're usually knocked out."
Dru let out a nervous laugh.
"The boys like you." Lynn said softly.
"Is...that a bad thing?" She asked, not looking at her.
Actually, I'm glad that they like you. It helps me get to know what kind of a person you are."
Dru gave her a frightened
look. "What kind of person I am?"
"My boys...it's funny." Lynn giggled. "They can see right through people. The last
five girls that Justin has introduced me to...oh dear...you should have seen the horrible things that those two did to them."
She said, laughing heartily. "Sent them all running for the hills...except Britney of course." She stopped laughing, "But
then again, nothing phased Britney, and she was never around long enough to endure the true terror that the boys tend to unleash.
I remember she would always tell me how "cute" they are, and how "sweet" they are. Sometimes, I just wanted to slap the girl.
But you know something Dru?" She said, looking to Dru for a response.
"Do I...know what?" Dru replied.
the first girl that Justin has ever brought home, that the boys have liked." She smiled. "So...with that said dear, I just
wanted you to know that you have my blessing. If you want to be with my son...if you want to love him...then I think you should.
Because I know that you are a good person, an honest person...even...a normal person. My son needs that Dru. He needs "normal"
in his life. When he first told me that you and he were together, I'll admit, I was very optimistic. But now I see it Dru...I
see you."
Dru stared at the woman, not believing her ears. This woman, that had cared for Justin his entire life...knew
everything about him...gave him life...she liked her. Lynn liked her and wanted her to love her son. Lynn was crying now...but
so was she. "Thank you," she whispered.
"Oh..." Lynn sobbed, wrapping her arms around the girl. "You've got a good
"Lynn." Dru whispered, tightening her embrace around the small woman.
"Can...I mean...would
you mind if I called you Mom?"
Lynn kissed Dru on the cheek. "I would like nothing more." *************************** Dru
stood in the middle of the gravel driveway, too scared to enter the gigantic house that was looming before her. If Lynn had
been accompanying her she wouldn't have been so nervous, that she knew. But Lynn wasn't with her. Upon dropping her off, Lynn
had informed her that she and the boys were heading off to Disneyland for a few days, and that she and Justin would join her
the day after tomorrow. Dru trembled.
If Lynn and the boys were gone, that meant that she and Justin would be alone
in the house...
She turned on her heel, wanting to run out of the driveway, away from the rich world she was coming
to know...away from Justin...away from [I]sex[/I]. She took two steps, but couldn't make herself go any further. She stomped
her foot in anger. She couldn't bring herself to leave Justin. It would be a terrible thing to do to the person who had given
her everything she had ever wished for. With a heavy sigh, she began to walk back toward the house.
There was a piece
of the paper taped to the door. Dru blushed. There was a big heart drawn on it with red crayon, possibly drawn by one of the
boys. She turned the doorknob, and pushed her way into the house. "Justin," she called out. [I]What is he up to?[/I], she
A pair of hands placed themselves over her eyes. Dru squealed in surprise, her worry being overshadowed by
"Hi Dru," Justin said, his voice full of excitement.
"Go foward," Justin whispered,
not removing his hands from their position.
Dru followed his orders. She followed his lead for several steps, then
stopped when she smelled the wonderful scent. "Did you cook?" She asked.
"Well...no," Justin snickered. "But I can
lie and say I did."
"Can I look at least?" She asked.
"Just a few more steps," he persisted, pushing her foward.
I don't want to walk into the wall."
"You won't," he laughed.
After a few more steps, Justin allowed her to
"Ready?" He asked.
"Yeah," she giggled.
"You sure?"
He removed his hands.
Dru gasped. She couldn't believe her eyes. She now understood why Justin had been so insistent that she go with his
Mother that afternoon. While she had been playing damsel-in-distress with the boys, Justin had been hard at work, setting
up an elaborate looking candlelit dinner for two. She wanted to slap herself for thinking that all Justin had wanted to do
tonight was have sex. Why did she always jump to conclusions? He had asked her if she wanted tonight to be special...not if
she had wanted him to hump her.
She really needed to work on those negative thoughts.
Justin kissed her neck,
and breathed in her scent for a moment before speaking again. "Do you like it?"
She turned around, so she would be
able to stare into his eyes. "Like it? Justin...this is...amazing. The roses...the music...the dinner...I don't deserve all
He silenced her speech with a kiss. "But you do," he smiled. "You deserve so much Dru."
"Can I be honest
with you?" She asked.
"Of course," he said, leading her over to the table. He pulled out the chair so she could sit.
"But please, sit first," He laughed.
Dru sat, and allowed him to push her chair in. She waited until he seated himself,
and then began to speak. "When you said...that you wanted tonight to be special. I thought you meant you wanted to...you know..."
nibbled on his bottom lip. "I would never expect you to do that Dru. Having sex...you know...it doesn't have to be a priority
right now," he reassured her. "I know you're not ready for that."
She eyed him suspiciously, "A big star like you are...wanting
to wait for me? I don't understand." She shook her head, and picked up her fork. She twirled the spaghetti around it, and
popped it into her mouth. "Mmm." She smiled.
"Why don't you understand? It's not like I'm some big horny freak," he
rolled his eyes. "I can control myself."
"This is so good," she said, wanting to get away from the subject. Sex wasn't
something she liked to talk about...with anybody.
"Dru," Justin whispered. "Do you think I'm in this for the sex?"
course not," she said, too quickly.
"You do!" He exclaimed. "After everything that's gone on...you think I'm staying
with you for sex."
She pushed her plate away, suddenly losing her appetite. "It's hard for me to trust people." She
"I'm not people D," he said with an annoyed tone. "I'm Justin, remember?"
"Okay...you're Justin,"
Dru said, emotionlessly. Now her defense mechanism was kicking in. Despite the fact that she knew Justin very well, it didn't
make the memories of her past fade. For all she knew, he could end up seducing her tonight...and throw her out tomorrow. Every
man that she had encountered in her lifetime had treated her the same. Once they got what they wanted from her, she was like
a tired old dress that nobody wanted to wear anymore. She was worthless.
"But you can trust [I]me[/I]," he reassured
She took the easy way out. She picked her fork up again, and began to stuff her face with food. This way, she
knew she wouldn't have to talk for a good couple of minutes.
"Lord girl," Justin sighed. "Either you've been without
food again, or you just really don't want to talk to me."
Dru washed down the pasta with a large sip of her milk. "My
past...it's not something that I'm going to wake up tomorrow and not remember. It's going to take me a long time...years...I
hope you can understand that Justin."
"Understand? Dru, I'm here for you...for whatever you need. If you need me to
sit up with you all night so you can talk about what happened to you, I'll stay up with you. If you want me to hold you until
the sun rises, so you'll feel safe...I'll hold you. Whatever you need me to do Dru...I'll do whatever it takes for you to
be happy." He leaned across the table and took one of her hands in his. " I'm not like all those guys that hurt you Dru...this
time it's gonna be different for you. I promise."
She started to cry. He must have thought she was crazy. Any other
girl would have been on cloud nine tonight...with all the trouble he had gone to. She wanted to be like them...the other girls,
but she knew she could never be. She was just too different.
"Don't cry," he whispered, getting out of his chair. "Come
on...Dru...let's not spoil tonight." He pulled her out of her seat and wrapped his arms around her. "For all I know...this
could be the only night we get to spend by ourselves before I start working again."
"That's why I don't want to disappoint
you." Dru sniffled. "I know you Justin. You were planning on going to bed with me tonight. I'm letting you down." She wouldn't
look at him.
He moved his hand under her chin and forced her to look at him. "Don't you ever think that way Dru," he
said sternly. "I love you...alright? I love you...and if you need to wait ten years before going to bed with me...then I'll
wait the ten damn years. Do you understand me? Huh? I'm not going anywhere," he said, seemingly trying to force his message
into her brain. "I just want to love you Dru, I don't care how I get to do it."
He was crying too. Dru was shocked.
Justin never got this emotional. She had seen tears in his eyes since...well...the night he had begged her not to tell anybody
that he was sick. Maybe...he really did mean what he was saying. Yes, her ever reliable voice of reason told her.
the one Dru...
"My God..."
Justin's face was stricken with worry. "What? What's wrong?"
sniffled. "Now what did I do?"
"No," she said, finally able to smile again. "You...you're the one." She whispered.
"I know it."
Her comment had left him totally confused. "The one?"
"Shh, don't ruin the moment." Dru giggled,
wiping away her tears. She kissed him, but this time...something felt different. She didn't know what it was.
is what it felt like to be truly, madly...deeply in love.
A new song began to play...
"Dance." Justin smiled.
nodded, and tucked her head into his neck, letting the slow love song fill her mind. She began to think, not about the past...but
about the future...the future that she would share with Justin.
I was her she was me
We were one we were
And if there's somebody calling me on
She's the one
If there's somebody calling me on
the one...
Justin was humming along with the song, his chin resting atop her head. He rubbed his hand up and down
her back, soothingly. "She's the one..." He sang. "Dru's the one..."
She giggled.
"Shh," Justin snickered.
"Don't ruin the moment."
(Song credit: Robbie Williams, "She's The One")