Trace never realized how airless these clubs were. Usually he was too busy prowling to pay attention to the stuffiness
of the room. Now he hitched his shoulders in frustration and half glared, half pouted at his "date". Dru looked absolutely
lost. But why wouldn't she be lost? This was the most fabulous night club in New York City, only the most privileged and elite
were permitted to pass through its doors.
"Hi Trace."
"H-hey." Damn. It was Naomi. Naomi Campbell. Justin had
introduced them at a party on Pharrell's yacht last year. Trace sometimes thought of her. Perfection described her better
than any flowery piece of poetry he could concoct. Her skin, her eyes, the way she carelessly flicked her tongue against her
upper lip. He felt a tightening in his groin. She was doing that lip/tongue thing right now. Think of something else. Anything...He
recalled making her laugh so hard, she doubled over and had to excuse herself to run to the ladies room.
Naomi's eyes
shifted to the girl, who was trying so hard to look fashionable, but couldn't help but look frumpy. A light snicker escaped
her, "Who's your friend?"
He looked at Dru. Nothing...nothing could make him confess that he knew who the girl was.
"Oh her..." He said, staring at Dru as if he had never laid eyes on her before. He shrugged. "Dunno."
"Rrright." She
replied sarcastically. "Well Trace, if you decide to party with someone you do know," she paused and pointed a perfectly manicured
fingernail towards the bar, "I'll be waiting for you to buy me a drink."
Trace set his sights on his prey, and rose
out of his seat to follow.
He groaned, and looked over his shoulder. "Don't talk to me." He whined.
am I supposed to do...if you leave?" Dru questioned helplessly. "I don't know anybody here."
Trace shrugged. "You're
a survior right? I'm sure a couple of hours by yourself won't hurt you." He snickered. "Justin's dancing...he'll be right
over there if you need him," Trace nodded towards the dance floor.
She shook her head. "He won't be there all night."
you can be your a$$ he'll be there all night. Mr. Timberlake doesn't dwell with the commoners down's strictly VIP
lounge for him. I'll see you around." He walked off, with a swagger in his step, and a smile on his face. Yes, Justin would
be pissed...but he wasn't missing out on getting some from Ms. Campbell this evening.
Dru was just going to have to
deal with it. ************************ Now totally alone, Dru wrapped her arms around herself. For the moment, she felt
"Hey beautiful."
She looked up. A man she had never seen before was looming over her. She didn't
like it. "Hello." She squeaked out.
"Why are you all alone?" He questioned, welcoming himself to the chair that Trace
had been occupying only seconds before.
Dru shrugged.
"Aww come on now." The man smiled. "A pretty girl like
you shouldn't be sitting all alone."
A pretty girl like you... She cringed. Those words would haunt her forever.
wanna dance?" He offered.
Dru shook her head. "No thanks."
"Not a dancer eh? That's cool...I'm not much of a
dancer myself." He chuckled. "How about I just buy you a drink instead."
"No." She said simply. "I'm ok."
man frowned. "Is it me? Do I smell?" He sniffed his armpits for any foul odor that might have been lurking beneath them.
tried to stifle her laughter, but found that it was impossible.
He smiled. "Well, I guess I found out what gets you
to open up. All I have to do is smell my pits."
"Sorry." Dru said through her fit of laughter. "You just...looked so
funny just now."
"I'm glad I did...because now I know what a great smile you have." He replied wittily, and stuck out
his hand. "I'm Wade." His laid back attitude made her ease up a little. "Dru," she replied, returning his handshake.
nice to meet you." He smiled. "Very nice. Now about that..."
"Excuse me."
Dru turned around. Her eyes
widened. It was...Britney. She was terrified.
"Wade...what the hell are you doing!" Britney exclaimed, angrily. Wade
spread an innocent expression across his face. "This is Dru...she's a..."
"Don't even. I already know who she is."
Britney grumbled, turning her attention to Dru. "How are you?" She smiled.
"Uh...good." Dru responed, not believing
that she wasn't getting reemed out.
Britney nodded, not really caring. "Wade...let's go."
"But Brit I..."
She seethed. She looked back at Dru again, flashing her a tiny smile. "Nice to see you again."
Dru watched her storm
away, amazed that she had been so civil with her. But then again...Britney was so glamorous, there was really no reason for
her to feel threated by her boyfriends actions. Dru knew that she could never, in a million years, compare to Britney's beauty
and charisma.
Wade reluctantly rose from the chair. "Sorry." He whispered, once he was sure his girlfriend was out
of earshot. "She's a little possesive."
Dru nodded.
"I'll see you again." He winked. "That's a promise."
She stuttered.
"Bye." He called over his shoulder, and ran off to catch up with his girlfriend.
"Don't talk
to him."
The voice was dark, but easily recognizable. Dru turned around. "I thought you were dancing."
"I was."
Justin mumbled, and sat down. "Then I saw you talkin' to f@ggot boy."
She was confused. "Huh?"
talk to him." Justin grumbled miserably. "He's no good Dru."
"Why?" She questioned.
Justin cleared his throat.
"Because he just isn't."
Dru shrugged. "That answer isn't good enough."
Justin leaned foward. "It's good enough
for you." He nodded.
"You know, not everything has to be some big secret." She replied boldly. "It's ok to admit that
he stole your girlfriend."
Justin's eyes widened. "How the hell would you know?"
She laughed. "I wasn't born
"Trace told you." Justin nodded. "I'll kick his scrawny little..."
"No," Dru interrupted. "He didn't."
who told you?"
"Nobody. It's just obvious." Dru pointed out. "Why else would you dislike him so much?"
He laughed.
"You don't know the half of it."
She narrowed her eyes at him. "Maybe I would if you would tell me."
"It's none
of your damn business." He snapped.
She winced. "Oh."
Justin sighed. He hadn't meant to snap at her. "Look...the
whole Britney's very touch and go. I hate to talk about it...but the press loves to bug me about it. It's not you
that I'm mad's just the whole subject in general. Just...please try not to bring it up."
"So...then he did
steal your girlfriend." Dru nodded.
"I didn't say that." Justin explained. "I'm just saying that Wade is no good, and
if you want to hang around with shouldn't be talking to him."
Dru shrugged. "I'll try not to."
Justin shook his head. "You won't try not to, you'll just do what I say." His voice was stern, commanding.
Dru trembled.
"You wanna dance?" He offered.
"Where's Marissa?"
"She spotted some friends." Justin nodded
to a far corner of the club. He stood, and held his hand out to her. "C'mon, I put in a special request."
She let him
pull her to her feet. "What?"
The song that was currently playing ended. Moment's later a new song began. Dru smiled.
It was that Al Green song...
She loved that song.
The pain disappeared from Justin's expression. "Dance." He
Dru nodded.
Oh so in love with yo-ou... ******************** He was dancing with
Marissa took a long sip of her margarita.
He was dancing with her and it was starting to piss her off.
She sat, legs crossed, one bobbing up and down nervously. Her eyes were fixed on the unlikely pair that were moving about
the dance floor. Dru looked scared out of her mind...but he...he was smiling. Smiling and laughing.
F *ck.
was here with him...not Dru. Dru had no business dancing with Justin. She was the one that was supposed to be in his arms
right now...she was the one that was supposed to be dancing with him while his favorite song played...not her. Not the dirty
street girl. Her anger was rising by the second. One minute she had been booty grinding with Justin, and the next minute he
had excused himself to go talk to Dru. At first she had been confused, but when she had seen Britney and Wade pass by...she
knew it must have had something to do with them. She nodded, yes, Wade must have been working his charm on the poor little
rich girl...
And Mr. Possesive hadn't liked it.
Why? What business was it of Justin's if Wade wanted to sleep
with his little charity case? If anything, it would probably open Dru's eyes a little bit wider. Yes, Wade had snatched Britney
right out from underneath Justin...but what did that have to do with Dru? Nothing.
Hell, Dru probably didn't even know
the details about the Wade Robson Crisis, as Justin had so affectionately named the situation. No, she didn't know what had
actually happened. No one really knew the whole story...not even Lynn. Oh sure, Justin had told her the basics "Mom Britney
cheated on me...that's why we broke up."
"Oh, my poor baby boy!"
Yeah, that was the sugar coated version. Marissa
shook her head. She had sat in on the conversation. He had wanted her there, because he was convinced he wouldn't have been
able to lie to his mother otherwise. Actually, with the exception of herself...she was pretty sure Trace was the only person
who really knew the whole story. Maybe, Justin wasn't that trusting.
Thinking of the Wade Robson Crisis
was only making her become more agitated, so she focused on another subject. Like, how many more drinks would she have to
imbibe before she got totally plastered? She shrugged, and glanced back at the mismatched couple again...yes, maybe half a
dozen or more margaritas would do her some good. She rose, and began to make her way clumsily over to the bar, where, not
surprisingly, Trace had his tongue shoved down some womans throat. She squinted, was that Naomi Campbell? Lord...why?
Trace could get Naomi Campbell...why couldn't she get Justin? She pondered the thought as she slid herself onto a barstool.
She didn't understand. They liked the same things. They had the same personalities. He told her everything...and she would
do anything for him. Maybe...he just didn't realize how much she cared for him. But how could that be when he had asked her
to be his date tonight?
Wait...was it a date? Or was it just another one of those things that they had decided to do
together? Hell, this wasn't the first time they had been out to the club before. This time though, she had thought that it
was really a date. She laughed at herself. The only reason she had been thinking so foolishly was probably because she had
finally admitted to herself that she had fallen for him. Really, this was no different than anything that they had done in
the past.
Screw Margaritas...
"I'll take a bottle of Jack."
"Are you sure you want a whole bottle Ma'am?"
The bartender looked at her as if she were insane.
She hesitated for a moment, and looked back over her shoulder. One
more glance at the two was all she needed. "I'm sure." She muttered.
She wasn't good enough for Justin.