"Sit still!" Marissa exclaimed. "I'm going to poke you in the eye if you move again."
Dru groaned.
"Why are you pulling my eyebrow hairs out?"
She chuckled. "Have you ever seen Sesame Street?"
"Where's that?"
Dru inquired.
Marissa sighed. "Nevermind. I'm doing this so you don't have thick bushy eyebrows anymore."
don't have thick, bushy eyebrows." Dru pouted in an offended tone.
"Correction, you don't anymore." Marissa nodded,
and pushed Dru's head back down. "Don't move." She said, and continued her work.
"Oww!" Dru whined. "That hurts!"
is beauty." Marissa provided. "And you need to look your best today."
"Because..." Marissa began, as
she put her tweezers away and pulled her jar of wax off of the hot plate it had been resting on. "Today you're going to have
lunch with Lynn."
She cocked her head to the side. "Who?"
Marissa smiled, remembering that Dru didn't know who
Lynn was yet. "That's Justin's Mom." She nodded, pushing Dru's head down yet again.
"Shh." Marissa said
sternly, smearing the goop on Dru's top lip.
Before Dru could inquire further, Marissa placed a sticky
piece of paper over the goop...and ripped it off.
Dru screamed. Nothing...nothing could have been more painful than
that. "What the hell was that for?"
"Upper lip hair." Marissa snickered.
"I don't have upper lip hair." She
"Not anymore." Marissa winked. "Now sit up."
"I hate this." Dru whined. "Why do I have to be all made
"You don't hate it." Marissa reasoned. "You're just not used to it. And you have to be made up because...it's
the thing that girls do. Girls get made up." She opened her gigantic makeup kit, and stared into it, pondering which colors
to use.
"And what do I have to meet Justin's mother for?"
"You ask a lot of questions, you know that?" Marissa
chuckled. "Lynn is Justin's co-manager. She has a right to meet you."
"Well, I don't want to meet her." Dru shook her
head. She was tired of seeing all these new faces. She just wanted to go back to her room. She didn't want to do all this.
became annoyed. She was suddenly getting the feeling that this girl was taking all that she had been given for granted. "Well
you're gonna." Finally finding the right colors, she walked back over to Dru, and pushed her head back down. "Don't move."
sorry Marissa." She said after a moment.
She sighed. "Don't be. You're just overwhelmed. I understand."
Lynn mean?"
Marissa cracked up. "The woman is a saint."
A saint...the words made Dru feel somewhat relieved.
"Don't smile, keep your face relaxed." She murmured. In reality, she didn't like this girl. She was only being nice
to her for Justin's sake. In her opinion, Dru was nothing more than a money hungry bum. She despised people like her. But
she would put her feelings to the side for Justin. Justin was special, he deserved to be happy...and if helping Dru become
a better person was going to make him happy she would do it...
Because she was in love with him. *********** "Why
are we here?"
"You didn't tell me you had a doctor's appointment." Justin shrugged. "It slipped
my mind."
"It's a good thing I didn't book anything for this hour." Trace nodded. "Or we would be screwed."
know," Justin began, glancing at his watch. "Dru's at lunch with my Mother right now."
Trace's eyes widened. "Are you
He nodded. "She snuck around behind my back and planned it all. I should have known she would." He chuckled.
"I can't blame her, I know she just wants me to make the right decision. Good ol' Mom."
"What happens if she doesn't
like her?" Trace questioned. "What then?"
"Nothing," he said. "My mind is made up."
"Mr. Timberlake, you can
go in." The secretary called from her desk.
"That's my call." Justin nodded. "Why don't you go get some take out...or
go shopping...whatever. I'm gonna be at least an hour."
Trace cocked his head to the side. "You always know about your
doctors appointments months in advance J. Why was this so sudden?" He pondered a moment. "What's the matter with you?"
rose out of his seat. Why did he have to be asking so many questions? Trace was making him feel guiltier about lying than
he already felt. "I know I always book these things ahead of time. But...I scheduled an extra physical in this month. You
know, I want to make sure I'm all good before I start gearing myself up for tour season. Really, I'm perfectly fine." He nodded.
He felt like scum. He hated lying to Trace. Trace was the one person he knew he could trust, and he was totally shutting him
Trace stared at him a moment, before giving into his friend's explanation. "All right. I'll see you in a bit."
Justin watched him go.
He trembled with fear. Now...he was going to find out what was really wrong with him,
and, knowing that there was a chance that it could be serious, scared him more than anything. He pushed his way into the doctors
office, knowing that this day could be the first day of the end of his life. **************** "A confidentiality agreement?"
need you to do it Larry." Justin nodded, handing his doctor a pen.
"This is serious stuff Justin." Dr. Larry Johnson
nodded, taking the pen from his patient. "What exactly do you need me to do this for?"
"Because...I don't want
anybody to know what's going on with me." Justin confessed. "I'm going to work regardless if I'm sick or not. There's
no way I'm going to be able to if the people that care about me know about all this."
Larry sighed. "Justin, if it
turns out that you are sick...I wouldn't suggest..."
"I'll decide what's best for me." Justin interrupted him, shoving
the pen in his hand. "Just sign it...or I'll find somebody else who will."
"This isn't right Justin." Larry grumbled,
reluctantly signing the paper. "But I would rather be the one that helps you, rather than some other doctor who only cares
about money." He nodded. "Now, we've done the basics, so what seems to be the problem."
"I've been sick...for about
two months." Justin supplied.
Larry pulled out his clipboard. "What's been going on?"
"A lot of stuff. Sometimes
it'll be stomach pains, other times it'll be headaches...but most of the time I'm just coughing up blood." He was silent for
a moment. "It's...horrible."
Larry looked up from his writing, his eyes were wide, and full of fear. "You've been dealing
with this for two months without seeking professional help?"
Justin looked at the floor. "Yeah."
"And nobody
else knows about this?"
"Well..." He hesitated a moment. No, he didn't need to know about Dru. Enough people already
knew about her. "No."
"This is serious Justin." Larry nodded. "You're going to have to come in for some tests."
Justin questioned. "How serious?"
"I can't say for sure until we test." Larry said softly. "But...you could have
His eyes widened. "You're not serious."
"Like I said, I won't know for sure until we test. It could
be a number of things, but I've been in this business a long time..."
"No!" Justin yelled. "You're not gonna f *cking
tell me that! I don't have any f *cking Cancer Larry! It's not like that!"
"Calm down." Larry said in a calming tone.
"No one said that it was for sure."
"I won't believe it." Justin said, wiping the tears out of his eyes. "I have too
much going on, I can't get sick." He shook his head vigorously. "I just can't...I won't."
"How is next week for you?"
good. I'm going to be in LA next week." Justin muttered. "Press."
"You can't put this off Justin."
"My career
comes before anything." Justin nodded.
He shook his head. Obviously, Justin wasn't going to follow his orders. "I can
test the blood samples I took today. That can tell us a few things. It'll take at least a week to get the results back, so
that will give you the time you need to do work in Los Angeles." He nodded.
"I can be back in New York a week from
Sunday." Justin nodded. "That's when my vacation starts."
"Good. That will work fine." Larry nodded. "Until then, you
should try not to do anything..."
"I already told you, my career comes first."
"Of course." Larry rolled his
eyes, and walked over to the door. "Just take care of yourself, ok?" He swung open the door. "I'll see you soon."
walked out the door, not saying another word. Damn. Why did fate have to work in such screwed up ways? This couldn't have
happened when he had been with the group, no. It had to happen now, when he was on his own. Now, when his career was just
beginning to take off. It was asinine. He didn't deserve this. He had worked too hard for this to happen now.
Trace smiled. "I didn't know what you wanted, so I just got you a couple of cheeseburgers." He rose up out of his seat. "Damn,
you were in there forever. What the hell were you doing?"
"It was just a check up." Justin muttered, pushing the clinic
door open. "Let's go."
Once they were out in the hallway, Trace spoke again. "You sure that..."
Justin whirled
around. His expression was dark, angry. "Dammit Trace...I'm f *cking fine all right. Just f *cking fine."
Trace stood
back. He was shocked. Justin never talked to him that way. He felt it...pain. "Why...are you yelling at me?"
He chewed
his bottom lip nervously. "I'm sorry."
"Tell me what's the matter." Trace persisted. "Don't f *cking lie to me Justin."
fine." Justin lied again.
"You little bastard." Trace seethed. "I'm not a moron! There's something the matter. I can
read you like a book Justin, I've known you my whole life. What is it J? Are you sick?"
Justin sucked in a breath.
"I...I don't know Trace."
"You don't know?" His voice was barely audible. "What does that mean?"
"It means
I might be sick." Justin nodded. The tears were apparent in his eyes.
"H-how sick?" Trace stuttered.
narrowed his eyes at his best friend. "Sick."
Silence followed. The two life long friends stared at each
other, knowing that this might have been the biggest challenge that they had ever come to face. There were no more words to
be exchanged about it. This was too big...
There was nothing else that either of them could say, that would change
the fact that Justin's life might be cut short.