Dru gripped the arms of the chair tightly. She didn't know what was happening. One moment she had been fast asleep, and
the next moment there was some strange woman in her room, telling her to get up. "What's that!" She exclaimed.
down silly." The woman who had referred to herself as "Marissa" laughed. "It's only a eyelash curler."
"I don't want
my eyelashes curled." Dru shook her head vigorously. "They're fine the way they are."
Marissa rolled her eyes. "Come
on...you gotta trust me. I know what I'm doing, when I'm finished you're not going to recognize yourself."
"I don't
want you to!" Dru screamed, jumping out of the chair. "Just...leave me alone!" She cried, backing up against the wall.
sighed. "Justin wanted me to do this. Does that help?"
"No." She muttered. "I want to be left alone."
"I thought
you people that came from these charity programs were cooperative." She rolled her eyes. "Where the hell did they find you?"
you would know." She whispered. "Leave."
"You don't have to tell me twice." Marissa grumbled. She quickly gathered
her styling equipment, and left without another word.
Dru sighed with relief. It was over. The strange girl with the
strange gadgets was gone. Now, she could go back to sleep. She smiled. Sleep was good. She darted back over to the bed and
buried herself under the covers.
She heard the door open and close about fifteen minutes later. She didn't move. She
barely breathed. Who was there? She wasn't about to inquire about it.
"You know...Marissa is a really good stylist.
You should give her a chance."
She groaned. Justin was back again. She pulled the blanket off of her head, and stared
at him. His outfit looked much to expensive for him to be wearing in such a causual situation. But damn it, he looked...good.
"I don't want her to touch me." She confessed. "I hate...when people touch me."
He smiled. "What if I touched you?"
blushed slightly. "I would slap you." She nodded.
"You're very forward."
"Forward?" She questioned.
in like a bold way." Justin explained.
"Oh. Well, when you live on the street...you really have no reason to lie, unless
of course you're trying to con somebody."
He sat down on the edge of the bed. "Are you a con artist."
She curled
her legs up, so they had no chance of interacting with Justin's body."If I was, do you think I would have tried to pick Trace's
"No." He shook his head.
"I...liked the CD." She said after a moment.
"CD...oh yeah." He smiled.
"I thought you might, I figured you hadn't heard it, because you had asked why I was everywhere. Well...that CD...that's the
reason." He nodded.
"It's really, really good." She yawned. "I liked that song...you know the one...it goes "don't
worry girl...I'ma take it from here..."
He smiled. "It's called Take It From Here."
"Oh...well, yeah I like
it." She smiled, and closed her eyes.
"Did you like the joke?"
She opened one eye. "Joke?"
"Yeah, you
know...the joke I taped to the CD."
"Oh...." She said nervously, remembering the note that had been attatched to the
CD. "Yeah."
"You're not laughing. It couldn't have been that funny." He chuckled.
"I'm tired. I was laughing
when I read it though." She lied.
He smiled. "Cool. I knew that it was a good joke.
Trace seems to think it blows...but now I have a second opinion. I'll have to show you all my jokes sometime. If you liked
that one, you're bound to like the others." He nodded.
"Maybe." She yawned.
So...you wanna go out today?"
leaned foward, being careful not to touch her. She had fallen back to sleep. He studied her. She looked so peaceful when she
was sleeping, almost...angelic. He shook his head. What was he thinking about? Aside from what she knew about him, she was
a publicity stunt. That's all she was. Just something to get his "trousersnake" image flushed down the toilet. That was the
That had been the plan for months now. And it was going to work.
All he had to do now, was get her to
trust him a little more.
But...that couldn't be too hard. Thousands of girls that hadn't even met him, had given their
hearts to him long ago.
One homeless girl, he knew, wasn't going to be a problem. ********************************* "You're
so thin!"
"Mom." Justin blushed. "I'm fine."
"Trace, your supposed to be taking care of my boy." Lynn pouted,
wiping the lipstick off of her son's cheek.
"It's not my fault Lynn." Trace protested. "I can't control what he eats."
I have to stay out here with you Justin?"
"Mom...I've just been doing a lot of work." Justin supplied. "Get me home
for a few days, then I'll look like Uncle Marty."
Trace laughed. "I don't think you want to look like Uncle Marty."
snickered, and leaned down, beginning to blow bubbles in his chocolate milk.
"Justin!" Lynn exclaimed, giving her son
a light tap on the arm. "Don't do that!"
He sighed. "Sorry."
"So, what else has been going on?" Lynn inquired,
while she studied her lunch menu.
Justin gave Trace a warning glance.
"Oh, you know. The usual stuff. Interviews,
appearances...charity." He smiled.
"Oh chairty...speaking of...what's going on with the Hand In Hand program? Have
you found someone to take on the tour yet?"
Justin was going to smack Trace later. "Uh, there's a couple of people
that I have in mind."
"Well you know dear, the most important thing is the personality of the person. You need someone
who, respects you. Maybe...a fan."
He pondered for a moment. Dru did like the CD. Yes, in his book, that made her a
fan. "Oh...well, actually I have this one girl in mind. She's a fan."
Trace gave his friend a skeptical glance. "You
didn't meet..." He began, but stopped abruptly when he felt Justin's foot colliding with his shin.
Lynn studied the
two men a moment. She wasn't sure what it was, but she knew there was something that they weren't telling her. She guessed
she knew them too well, because she could practically read their minds.
"So Mom, how's things at home?" Justin asked
her quickly, trying to change the subject.
Lynn smiled. "I don't know what you two are up to, but you better tell me
"There's nothin' goin' on." Justin said, putting on his innocent smile.
Lynn quickly reverted her gaze
to Trace, before her son's charm could overtake her. "Trace, tell me."
Justin looked at his friend. If Trace ever had
the chance to prove his loyalty to his best friend, now was the perfect time. He held his breath.
the girl that he met was hot." Trace lied.
Justin could have kissed him.
"Oh Justin." Lynn frowned. "The purpose
of this was to improve your image, not to make it worse. Can't you keep your horomones..."
"Mom." He interrupted. "I
know why I'm doing this, and that's why I'm not going to pick the girl that Trace is talking about. I'm going to pick somebody...really
scummy." He smiled, stealing a wink at Trace. "So I can't be tempted."
"You don't have to pick somebody scummy dear."
Lynn chuckled. "Just don't pick somebody that you feel you could be attracted to."
"He won't." Trace said sternly.
"Believe me, he won't."
Justin sat back, knowing his secret was still concealed. As long as his Mother didn't know
about Dru, he still had time to work on gaining her trust, and building her up as a person.
"Is the spaghetti good
here?" Lynn inquired.
"You have to boycott the..."
"Justin...don't start." Trace muttered. *********************** "Cup
Dru's eyes widened. "Huh?"
Marissa laughed. "We'll need you to measure her."
The saleswoman smiled
awkwardly. "I'll be right back then."
"What's a cup size?" Dru inquired.
Marissa was silent a moment, then leaned
in and whispered in her ear. "They need to know...how big your boobs are."
Dru gasped. "Why in the hell would they
need to know that!"
Marissa groaned. "Don't be so loud."
Dru plopped down into the comfortable leathere chair
and sighed. She didn't want to be here, and if Justin hadn't tricked her, she would probably still be in the hotel, sleeping.
She was infurated with him. Not only had he woken her up, but he had lied to her on top of it. He had innocently asked her
to join him for lunch, and of course, being hungry, she had agreed. The second she stepped out into the hallway though, she
not only realized that she had been tricked, but that she was now going to have to go somewhere she didn't want to go. Marissa
had been there, a big old smile on her face. Justin had explained to her that his stylist was going to take her "for a day
on the town". She had protested, but Justin wouldn't let her back into the hotel room, and he was the only one with a key.
She had no choice but to go.
Minutes later, Dru had found herself inside Marissa's hotel room, where she was given
an outfit, which she figured was Marissa's. It was beautiful, and by the looks of it she could tell that it had to be worth
at least a few hundred dollars. Marissa said the top was made of something called cashmere, and the pants were made of Oriental
silk. She had studied herself in the mirror, not believing her eyes...
She was wearing one of the outfits she had seen
in her magazine.
Marissa had debated about trying to do her makeup, but had decided not to. It was probably better
that way. Dru didn't think she was ready to go head to head with the "eye lash curler" again...whatever it was.
saleswoman was back, this time carrying measuring tape with her. She approached Dru, and attempted to wrap the tape around
her upper half.
Dru slunk back nervously. Why was that woman trying to touch her?
The saleswoman sighed. "Dear,
if we're going to fit you, you're going to have to let me measure you."
Dru glanced at Marissa, her eyes filled with
fear. "I...I don't like to be touched."
Marissa gave her a warm smile. "Would you let me do it?"
Dru studied
her for several moments. "I...guess."
Marissa took the tape from the woman. "You gotta hold your arms out."
this?" Dru questioned, holding her arms out at her sides.
"Yep." She smiled, wrapping the tape around Dru. "She's a
thirty two c." Marissa said after a moment.
The saleswoman nodded. "This way." *************************
is our spring line."
"I think...red, or magenta. Those colors would look great on her."
Dru was confused. After
trying on several bras and several pairs of underwear, she figured she was done. Nope, not even close. After Marissa had purchased
the undergarments, which had cost a nauseating amout of money, she had been dragged to another store. This one was much different.
It was so fancy, Dru wondered just who in the world could afford to shop in here. She got her answer a moment later.
girl...it was the same girl that had been in the picture with Justin. Dru's jaw dropped. She was even more glamorous in person.
Amazing. She had never seen such a beautiful girl in her life.
Marissa's expression lit up. "Brit!"
The two
exchanged kisses on the cheek.
"How've you been." "Brit" smiled.
Their conversation continued
on. Dru was trying her best to keep her attention focused on something else. But the scary look that the huge guy standing
behind "Brit" was giving her, made her want to take Marissa by the hand and run out of the store.
"What's your name?"
snapped her attention back to the glamour girl. She trembled. "Brit" couldn't have possibly been talking to her.
laughed and nudged Dru in the shoulder. "Speak up!"
"M-my name?" Dru inquired, pointing to herself.
Brit nodded.
Brit nodded. "Who are you...like, her cousin or somethin?" She asked, referring to Marissa.
"Oh no I'm..." Dru began,
but stopped herself. Who...was she really? A bum Justin picked off the street...yes. There was no way that she was going to
tell her that.
"She's with Justin." Marissa nodded.
Brit's smiled quickly faded. "Justin?"
Dru stared
at her, and was sure that she could see tears forming in the girl's eyes.
"She's..." Marissa chewed her bottom lip
nervously. "Dru, I'll be right back." She promised, and quickly grabbed Brit by the arm and pulled her into a corner.
stared after them. She didn't know what to think, but she knew that whatever Brit had shared with Justin, must have been special,
meaningful. She knew because of the way Brit had looked at her. She shook her head. She never meant to hurt anybody.
conversation lasted a good fifteen minutes, and when they finally came back to the spot in which Dru was waiting, she could
tell that Brit had been crying.
"So anyway, he was such a bastard. He expected me to pay! I was like...just because
my name is Britney Spears doesn't mean I'm paying for you're cheap a$$..." Brit rambled.
"Excuse me." Dru spoke up
Both girls looked at her in surprise.
Dru looked directly into Brit's eyes. "Are you alright?" She
asked softly.
Brit began to laugh. "Oh sure."
"I-I hope I didn't do anything to make you upset." She whispered,
looking down at the ground.
"The day I get upset over one of Justin's little ploys to prove to the world that he's
not a dog, is the day I agree with him that breaking up with me was the best thing he could have done. Don't worry hun, you're
just fine." Britney said, in a bittersweet tone. She glanced at her bodyguard, and nodded. "Well, I'm off to Gucci." She sighed.
"I'll call you 'risa."
"Bye." Marissa smiled.
After watching Britney walk out of the store, Dru spoke again.
Marissa shrugged. "Don't worry about it."
"I'm a ploy?"
"No!" Marissa exclaimed. "It's just Britney
stuff. You have to understand the situation to understand why she said what she said." She pulled Dru over to a rack of dresses
that had been displayed for them. "Pick a couple."
"The situation?" Dru asked. She was more confused now than she had
been five minutes ago.
Marissa sighed. "Yes, the situation, which I might add, is not my place to tell you about. My
job for now, is to find clothes for you. So pick a couple."
Dru was too curious now. "But..."
"No." Marissa
said seriously. "Pick before I pick for you. You have a hair appointment in an hour."
Dru simply nodded, and began
to look through the rack of beautiful dresses. Yes, she was still very curious, but she knew she wasn't going to get anywhere
by trying to get Marissa to answer her questions.
The only person who could explain all this, she knew...
Justin Timberlake himself.