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The Supposed

It was just suppose to be about sex; a random, casual thing. Actually, he wasn’t even supposed to be with me in the first place. He was her date. He was her chance to get back on her feet. And that’s what makes me a really bad friend. It’s just that, he’s the first guy I’ve ever been with that hasn’t totally fucked me over. He’s sweet, and gentle, and kind! I know that I’m supposed to take things slow and wait, or whatever. But hell, what can I do? I’m in love. This isn’t supposed to happen to me.

It was just suppose to be about sex. I mean, I never expected things to get so damn complicated. I was just trying to play the field, meet some new people in this town. But when you start messing around with two girls well, a lot of shit is bound to go down. That’s how I got into this whole mess. Christ. What am I supposed to do? I mean, I love her. I really do. But her, the other one…she's just special, ya know? I don't know who to love and who to leave. Shit. I’m not supposed to fall in love.

It was just supposed to be about sex. And it was. Well, it was for him. He took what he wanted and left me. But I don't blame him. I let him do this to me. I let him flip my world upside down and inside out. I'm happy for her. I really am, ya know? After all, she is my best friend. She deserves him. He was my date, but he's hers. He's all hers. He was hers from the moment they looked at each other. And now I'm the one with all this to deal with. I'm twenty five years old. I'm not supposed to be…lets just say this isn't how my life is supposed to be.


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